Enough with all of this "Jets Defense lacks any type of pass rush" already...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by TampaBayJetsFan85, Mar 12, 2009.

  1. TampaBayJetsFan85

    Apr 22, 2007
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    Over the past couple of weeks, I have seen ALOT of Jet fans on this site complaining that the Jets Defense lacks the pass rush and stuff like that, which is BS if you ask me.

    Last year the Jets had 41 Defensive sacks, 7th most in the league. That was good enough for 3rd in the AFC only behind the Tittans who racked up 44 and the Steelers led the AFC with 51 sacks. And that was with Sutton calling the shots.

    Everyone is IN LOVE with the Giants 4-3 pass rush, they had 42 sacks, only one better than the Jets who had Kris Jenkins playing a new position and Calvin Pace in his 1st year as a Jet with a rookie Vernon Gholston who just couldnt get the feel for the game (Or wasnt given a good chance by the coaching staff)

    We have Rex Ryan which will improve this Jets defense and @ the same time...The Ravens only had 34 total sacks which in my eyes, isnt that bad @ all when looking @ the bottom 3 teams...The Bengals and the Browns had 17 and the Chiefs only had 10 sacks on the year.

    I'm PUMPED up that we have Bart Scott as our MLB to play alongside of David Harris in replace of Barton and Im also excited that Calvin Pace will be in his 2nd year with the Jets as our OLB and Rex Ryan and company will be sure to put Gholston in situations where his #1 job is to rush the QB. It should also be a plus that Kris Jenkins will be in his 2nd year as a 3-4 NT.

    I just think it's insane how I see alot of Jet fans bashing our pass rush from 08 because the #'s dont lie, we were one of the best teams in terms of getting to the QB and we should be even better this year under Rex Ryan
  2. savinoRB2

    savinoRB2 New Member

    Apr 30, 2007
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    hell yea lol
  3. MayoGate

    MayoGate Active Member

    Jan 6, 2007
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    I'm starting to think the OP does this on purpose ..
    #3 MayoGate, Mar 12, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2009
  4. EcKo151

    EcKo151 Active Member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    ^Dude it's out of control...

    He's gone a little bit then he just goes to EVERY thread he can
  5. Johnny Rico

    Johnny Rico New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    we played the worst divisions in the entire league last year. we got most of our sacks in a couple games, and disappeared for stretches. the lack of a consistent rush was pretty evident last year, and was a huge reason for the late collapse. if you were actually watching the games last year, you'd probably have noticed that.

    that being said, our pass rush should be much improved, with the simple fact that sutton isnt calling the shots. however, our DEs are getting older and a young replacement for coleman/ellis is a legitimate concern, right behind WR.
  6. cspkrazy

    cspkrazy New Member

    Mar 4, 2009
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    i think we have a great pass rush.we should have had more sacks during the season. most of those sacks came towards the beginning of the season when we actually blitzed alot, then mangini and sutton got conservative towards the end when their jobs got on the line and thats when we had no pass rush at all and our secondary got killed
  7. rmagedon

    rmagedon Active Member

    Feb 15, 2008
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    At least this time around he didn't list our entire roster again and he made sure he didn't include any "..and you know what?"'s in there, so he's getting better.

    Now if only he took the time to find the old threads that started about a month or two ago regarding our pass rush and/or how certain DL/DE free agents could've helped us put more pressure on the QB then maybe this thread wouldn't have been created.
  8. slimjasi

    slimjasi Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2007
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    First of all, let me just say that for the longest time last season, I ardently defended our pass rush against everyone on this board who repeatedly bashed it. If I quoted those sack numbers once, I quoted them 30 times. As the season came to an end, I had what can be best described as an epiphany. I realized that the number of sacks a defense accumulates in a given time period or number of games is not necessarily indicative of the quality of pass rush that defense consistently generates. The best way to judge the quality of a given pass rush, is simply to observe the number of quarterback pressures and quarerback hits caused by that pass rush. One of the single biggest fallacies most football fans have about defense is that a sack is the main goal of pressuring the quarterback. It isn't. The main goal of presuring a quarterback is to force him into mistakes. This comes by either A) forcing him to throw before he's ready or before he wants to, B) forcing him to change his throw in order to avoid the pressure and still get the throw off, or C) hitting him enough times to rattle him to the point where he isn't physically and/or mentally able to consistently make wise and timely decisions. Sacks that cause a loss of yardage or a possible fumble are an extra bonus. They are nice when you get them but you just can't rely on them the way you'd like to be able to. What a defense does NEED to be able to rely on is pressuring the quarterback CONSISTENTLY, so that the quarterback is forced into either CONSISTENTLY making costly mistakes (many of which, naturally turnovers) OR CONSISTENTLY changing the way he feels comfortable playing in order to avoid the pass rush.

    The problem last year with our pass rush was it wasn't nearly as CONSISTENT as it should have been. There were games where we racked up a bunch of sacks and others where we didn't get within two yards of the opposing starting quarterback. (The Seattle debacle comes to mind) In other words, we weren't CONSISTENTLY pressuring the quarterback into rushing throws, and more generally speaking, making mistakes. And even in some games where we DID rack up a considerable number of sacks, we didn't get to the quarterback CONSISTENTLY. (i.e. We'd get to the quarterback four times and sack him four times out of his 25 dropbacks. But then in the other 21, we'd get no where near him and he'd be comfortable and collected as he tore our secondary apart).

    Now, I still don't think our pass rush is anywhere near as pathetic as many on this board make it out to be. But it definately needs work, and it is, most certainly, a logical fallacy to suggest that just because our Pass rush generated a high number of sacks last season, that it deserves to be hailed and celebrated.
    #8 slimjasi, Mar 12, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2009
  9. jets_fan_in_fishtown

    jets_fan_in_fishtown Active Member

    Mar 6, 2009
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    we have enough speed in our LB's core to have a good pass rush.

    our schemes sucked last year, and we didn't blitz enough. when we did, it was predictable

    3-4 DE's/NG don't really get many sacks, it's a fact, so whoever we have at that position isn't going to be responsible for generating much of a pass rush as long as they eat blockers
  10. tanknyc

    tanknyc Active Member

    Dec 27, 2006
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  11. MayoGate

    MayoGate Active Member

    Jan 6, 2007
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    Funny shit, but can't knock his fanhood ..:lol:
  12. TampaBayJetsFan85

    Apr 22, 2007
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    Thats a great post man, I really enjoyed the read and yeah, I know our pass rush wasnt the greatest in the world @ all times but @ the same time...It was alot better than alot of teams and it was also alot better than what most Jet fans thought it would have been after that 4-12 season of 07

    The whole point of the thread was just to point out to some Jet fans that our pass rush isnt as bad as some people make it out to be and lets NOT forget that Kris Jenkins was playing his 1st year as a 3-4 NT instead of the 4-3 DT, C.Pace was in his first year as an OLB for the Jets and Gholston showed just about zero production. Next year with Rex Ryan working with players such as Harris, Scott, Jenkins, Pace and Gholston...I can see us wracking up a good 50+ sacks with a better defensive scheme
  13. vilmatic

    vilmatic Active Member

    May 28, 2004
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    Dunno OP, the other one was funnier. THis one was too much you.
  14. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    First and foremost there's only one thread that states we have no passrush. Secondly, did you watch the games? Our 41 sacks are deceiving, there was never consistant pressure, and in the last 6 games we had 6 sacks. The Ravens had only 34 sacks but had constant pressure which in the grand scheme of things is way more valuable.

    We all should and do attribute this to Mangini's scheme not necessarily personnel. However, you're lying if you believe we couldn't use an upgrade passrusher-wise. Pace is adequate but not a game-changer, Thomas is a POS... and what it comes down to is whether or not RR can develope Gholston.

    Things look good right now though, because we expect RR to use a highly aggresive scheme and upgrades in the secondary will allow more blitzing.

    Hhahahahaha right on the money there. :rofl: :rofl2:
  15. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    How much of that inconsistency can be blamed on scheme and defensive play calling?
  16. rmagedon

    rmagedon Active Member

    Feb 15, 2008
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    D'oh. Spoke too soon.

    Honestly, if you're expecting to get 50+ sacks next year, then prepare to be disappointed. Ryan's system is based on confusing the QB and forcing him to make the throw under constant pressure causing turnovers. They didn't generate a lot of sacks last year but led the league in INT's which is their bread and butter. In the last 5 years, the Ravens have ranked top 5 in sacks only once (2006 with 60).

    Don't get me wrong, I'd love it if they could mirror what the Ravens did defensively in '06, but for next year, I'll be happy if we crack that Top 5 Defensive list.

    However, our secondary such as Revis, Rhodes, Leonhard, Shito, and Lowery should start practicing with the RB's and WR's cause I'm expect them to take a few interceptions to the house.
  17. JohnnyJohnson

    JohnnyJohnson Banned

    Mar 23, 2004
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    Exactly. Down the stretch there was a huge drop off in sacks.
  18. J-Kay

    J-Kay New Member

    Mar 5, 2009
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    We got a lot of sacks last year, but failed miserably to record consistent pressure. It seemed like either a sack or a good 10 seconds for the QB to pick us apart just about every time. While the numbers may look nice, the pass rush was horribly inconsistent last year.

    That being said, I'm a big believer in Gholston and I believe the main source of our issues was the insanely conservative schemes by Sutton.
  19. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Believe me you.
  20. slimjasi

    slimjasi Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2007
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    I don't want to get into a huge debate about this today, however, I have long maintained that the defensive staff received considerably too much abuse for their defensive play-calling last season. Something that Mangini pointed out continuously over the course of his many press conferences last season (I watched every one of them), was that the plurality of our sacks AND PRESSURES came from the dreaded 3-man front (what people routinely and INCORRECTLY refer to as "the prevent" defense) that people have bashed to no end on this board. In other words, the plurality of our sacks were COVERAGE SACKS. (Another reason I think Revis had just as much claim to being named our defensive MVP as Kris Jenkins - I probably still would have voted for Jenkins last year but it was virtually a tie to me)

    I just wanted to add that I am not saying I was always happy with the defensive play-calling or philosophy. I do think we were overly conservative in given situations. However, our defensive conservatism was situational (or, if you like, "circumstantial), I don't believe it was the overriding death pill to our defense that virtually everyone else on this board believes it was.
    #20 slimjasi, Mar 13, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2009

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