Jets sign Jim Leonhard

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by 17a_tailgater, Mar 3, 2009.

  1. SyracuseJet

    SyracuseJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2007
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    So by being a fan you become a subject matter expert on that team? So, by that, RaiderJoe is an expert on all things Raiders? Great concept.
    #201 SyracuseJet, Mar 4, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2009
  2. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    See post #199 and stop defending this clown.
  3. Justone

    Justone New Member

    Jan 20, 2009
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    I'm a new poster but have been reading the message boards on this site for about 3 years. Its the same old crap every post. You get a few guys really excited about a signing/game talking super bowl and playoffs. Then you get a few other guys throwing their 2 sense in about things that should be done in their pee wee football minds. Then you get the naysayers. I'm not complaining thats what makes these boards great and why jets fans are the best, but for christ sakes give Ravensfan a break the kid is just putting his 2 sense in about guys he has watched week in and week out. He can be a little negative most of the time, but its understandable considering the jets have ripped the ravens apart the last month.
  4. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Well, we can agree that posters from other teams are very welcome here. Even the ones with nothing positive to say are welcome here, as evidenced by Jeaux's continued presence around the board. I was simply trying to get this guy to admit that he's really only here because of sour grapes. He's not here to provide us with valuable information. He's here because he's bitter. Fine, but don't pretend you're trying to do us a valuable service. He shows up after, as he says, we poach 2 coaches and 2 players, but he doesn't have a single positive thing to say about any of them. It's his right, but why bother if they're so replaceable and the Ravens won't miss them? He hinted at the truth in his last post. It's hard to cut ties. I say only if you gave up some value.

    How telling that the OFFICIAL DARKSIDER is thrilled about his posts. I'm sure his negativity has your angry teste spitting all over the inside of your tighty whiteys.
  5. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Exactly. Change "a little" to quite, and you're dead on.
  6. Ravensfan06

    Ravensfan06 New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    I'm a clown because another Ravens fan that you met in a fantasy football league has a different opinion?

    I'm not going to pass judgment, he simply has a different take on Leonhard than I do, but I'd venture to say that most people in football would rate Bart Scott, who by the way just inked a 6/48, is better than Jim Leonhard, who is shooting for 3/8? I'm sorry, but I, along with most Ravens fans, would beg to differ.

    Having Leonhard sixth is pretty ludicrous in my opinion, but to each his own. Ngata, Suggs, Lewis, Pryce, Reed, Scott, Rolle and Washington were undoubtedly better than Leonhard, and I'd personally say that Johnson was as well. Jimmy was probably better than Douglas/Bannan, but that's only because Kelly Gregg was out for the season and they were his replacements. Don't forget that Landry, Gregg and McAlister all are much better players but suffered season ending injuries, so when healthy, that would place Leonhard at an 11th at best. I really would have preferred to have kept Jimmy as well because he would bring a ton of explosiveness off the bench and was quite useful for the Ravens, but I see ten guys who are pretty much incontrovertibly better.

    Jim Leonhard wasallowed to walk because Landry is better in every facet of the game. That's not sour grapes as I don't see another possible argument. Landry is bigger, fast, stronger, has exponentially more interceptions, hits much harder and is more physical. Saying that Leonhard has a "nose for the ball" perplexes me as he had one interception in the regular season that was essentially put in his chest by fourth stringer Jordan Palmer when the Ravens were winning 33-3 in Cincinnati.

    I've said numerous times now that Jimmy is very, very useful in gadget type plays, but to say that he was nearly in the top five of our defense seems absurd to me. Again, I'm not going to doubt that your e-friend is a very knowledgeable fan, but Leonhard honestly isn't even on the radar in terms of lost free agents. Brown was devastating and Scott was pretty damn inconvenient, but Leonhard? Come on...
    #206 Ravensfan06, Mar 4, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2009
  7. Ravensfan06

    Ravensfan06 New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    By the way, in my twelve years as a season ticket holder, I've yet to meet a Ravens fans who calls his neighbors Baltimorons, and refers to his team as the Ratbirds, but whatever.

    I'm probably a bit bitter about Scott, sure, but I can honestly say that Pettine/Leonhard/Ryan/Ivy don't worry me in the least. I was never a Rex Ryan fan, Pettine was a mere linebackers coach, Leonhard has been outline above, and Ivy is a liability. Scott leaving is pretty inconvenient in the short term as he was very, very valuable in our system, but I trust that one of our four future studs at LB will fill in.
    #207 Ravensfan06, Mar 4, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2009
  8. Steve032

    Steve032 New Member

    Dec 7, 2007
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    Good first post, but its 2 cents (not 2 sense). :beer:
  9. BK_Jetsfan

    BK_Jetsfan New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    This thread has provided plenty of laughs. I have nothing constructive to add.
  10. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    To me, this is a BIT more of an honest post. The problem I have with your post is pretty simple. You have lost not only some key people to your defense....but you have one line above that to

    You werent a Rex Ryan fan? take is that as a HC, Rex has a chance to be a great coach..he can also go down as one of the worst HC's in Jet history...and he would have a ton of company.

    But how can any Raven fan, say with a straight face, that it "don't worry me in the least".

    As soon as I read that..your post, which started ok...became either a lie..or you have no clue about the importance of a DC or OC to a coaching staff.

    If I were a Raven fan...AN HONEST RAVEN FAN...I would at least agree that on paper..the Ravens are no longer a dominant defense until proven wrong. You dont take the mastermind of the defense...the guy that the players even admitted "were playing to make sure Ryan became a HC" then lose the players they lost..and the DESIGNER of the defense..and not wonder big time..what kind of defense you will have next year.
  11. Ravensfan06

    Ravensfan06 New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    I didn't have Rex in the same class as previous Ravens coaches. It's easy for Jets fans to fall in love with Ryan because, in all honesty, you're not used to stellar defense with the likes of Bob Sutton running the show. In Baltimore, we've had the most dominant defense of the decade, and Rex was far too lax for my taste. It's just my opinion, but I valued Nolan, Lewis, Singletary, Jackson, Smith and Del Rio more than Rex. Most of the guys on that list didn't take any bullshit, and Rex was too much of a "players coach."

    I'm not sure how you're ruling our defense out when they've been resilient for the better part of a decade now.

    Also, I'm kind of confused when numerous posters tell me that Rex was the "mastermind" of the Ravens defense? Huh? You must know that Ryan was just another coordinator in a long line of greats.
  12. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    He said "some"... and as a lifelong Jets fan, I would call some Jets fans morons as well. From so called fans that cheered when Penington got hurt to the ones here that wanted Losman as a QB and quite a few in between. I'd call half the NY area Jets reporters morons too.

    Calling the Ravens Ratbirds is I am sure a pet name, since the raven on the side of the helmet looks like a rat as much as a bird.

    Now some truth... even though the Ravens had an outstanding defense under Ryan, you say you never really liked him. Sounds like you never really liked Leonhard either. Petine was a mere LB coach? So that makes him worthless? Nope... it's a clear case of sour grapes.

    That's just common SENSE, and that's my 2 CENTS.
  13. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    LMAO that sounds like something I would post!

    But you are quite right - you are not saying, which some others here do and I completely disagree with, that fans of other teams are not welcome here, and I think they can serve a particular purpose if they share insights they might have. Such as what they think of a player who has come to the Jets.

    But it is completely fair and appropriate to point out that a poster who wants to pretend they are serving a purpose here in fact is merely bitching and moaning under a veneer of providing insight.

    Someone killing time to come over? Hey, no problem. But where the net result is basically saying "all these guys your team got suck!", it's entirely fair to point out the (suspect) motivation involved.
  14. Ravensfan06

    Ravensfan06 New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    - I was never a huge fan of Ryan because I valued 5-6 previous Ravens coaches techniques over Rex's style.

    - Leonhard was here for one year, and made some plays in the playoffs. He was a backup in the regular season at times even when Landry was out, meaning that Leonhard was a third stringer for a chunk of the season. Why would I be bitter about losing a third stringer who was here for less than a year? There is no emotional attachment there.

    - Pettine worked in the shadows of Mike Singletary, Jack Del Rio, Mike Smith and other previous LB coaches. Furthermore, Pettine was coaching Ray Lewis, Terrell Suggs and Bart Scott. With those three guys, you're not going to need a 30 something year old to tell them what to do. Additionally, Pettine wasn't even the only LB coach as Greg Mattison, former DC for the Florida Gators and our new coordinator, helped him out as well.
  15. Ravensfan06

    Ravensfan06 New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    I just don't understand what you think we're bitter about.

    Rex Ryan? We've replaced tons of coaches as I've said dozens of times now.

    Jim Leonhard? He would have been a nice backup on our team.

    Corey Ivy? ...

    Mike Pettine? Who?

    Bart Scott? Sure, I wanted to keep him, but we've known for months now that Scott was going to be the odd man out as he is the least valuable of Lewis/Suggs/Scott. Furthermore, I realize that numbers don't tell the entire story, but Bart's stats have gone down even as our secondary has experienced numerous injuries, which should have yielded more tackles for Scott.
  16. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    Depends on who lined of next to him, do teams run at or away from Suggs?
  17. Long Time Jet Fan

    Long Time Jet Fan New Member

    Sep 18, 2003
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    Yeah, you with all your brilliant insights have more of a right. I'll be back later. I have to run to all the Patriot boards and tell them how bad Baker is going to be. And I can't wait for Coles to sign. :breakdance:
  18. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    No, we haven't 'known' that, it's what was assumed through articles and 'analysts' right up until the point that it was made public Baltimore was busting their asses to get Scott signed before last Friday and not doing a thing to sign Ray Lewis. Suggs was the one they would not let go at any cost, but it's become apparent that they were willing to part with Lewis over Scott. And knowing the success of Ozzie in the past, it makes me feel great that we got him instead.
  19. Ravensfan06

    Ravensfan06 New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    That's mostly not true. Sure, Ozzie allegedly made an outrageous offer to Scott which I admit I was disappointed in, but that was after Ray's deal was already on the table. Ozzie wasn't going to sign Scott before Ray, rather he let go of McAlister, we lost Brown, and a few other players got cut to make room for both.

    If Ray had gotten that 5/30 from Dallas/New York, then of course we wouldn't have been able to match, but the same held true for Scott when he got a ridiculous amount of money from the Jets.
    #219 Ravensfan06, Mar 4, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2009
  20. TampaBayJetsFan85

    Apr 22, 2007
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    #1 CB- Revis
    #2 CB- Sheppard
    Nickel CB- Lowery

    Rhodes and Leonard as the Safetys with Elam coming off the bench

    This makes for a really strong Secondary if you ask me.


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