What QB do you want to see on the Jets?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by StreetFighterJet, Feb 12, 2009.


Solve Jets QB Situation

  1. Stick with Clements / Ratliff / Ainge

    120 vote(s)
  2. J. Garcia

    2 vote(s)
  3. B. Leftwich

    17 vote(s)
  4. M. Bulger

    17 vote(s)
  5. K. Boller

    3 vote(s)
  6. K. Collins

    2 vote(s)
  7. C. Simms

    9 vote(s)
  8. J.P. Losman

    1 vote(s)
  9. R. Grossman (kill me now if this every happens)

    1 vote(s)
  10. D. Anderson

    15 vote(s)
  1. Graytness

    Graytness Member

    Mar 4, 2008
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    I voted for Chris Simms. I thought he showed some nice upside when given the opportunity to start in the NFL. I also like the idea of bringing him in because he wouldn't command a lot of money and wouldn't be handed a starting job upon signing. In an ideal situation, whoever is our QB this year remains our QB for the next couple of years.
  2. Stay What You Are

    Stay What You Are New Member

    Feb 12, 2009
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    Draft Sanchez if he's still available.
  3. GBA

    GBA Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2007
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    Clemens/Ratliff or Bulger, if we can get him, but I'd totally be cool with us handing the keys to Clemens.
  4. The Grim Revis

    The Grim Revis New Member

    Oct 17, 2008
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  5. FatStupidLoser

    Jul 26, 2007
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    Lefty is a good QB who's coach had a significant personality clash with him according to one of my Jags freak friends. He walked into a nightmare in Atlanta midseason. I would consider Atlanta irrelevent in the evaluation. He is a starting QB in this league. Whether he is the best fit here, I don't know. For all the fans here who have spent years irrationally lusting after a rocket arm QB, Lefty would certainly cause a spike in emergency room visits for priapism.
  6. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    The Jets should keep the three QBs they have and draft another. No need to trade for one or sign one via free agency.
  7. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    Bulger needs to be in a really good system to succeed because he's an average quarterback.

    To the thread starter-
    That aside, why is his name in the poll? He's not a free agent. Maybe there is something I don't know. Maybe the Rams are going to make him available in a trade. Is that why his name is in the poll? Last time I checked Bulger had a substantial contract. I would not be okay with the Jets acquiring an oft-injured mediocre QB with a huge contract.
  8. GreatSwamp

    GreatSwamp Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    clemens/ratliff but the Jets will bring in a veteran QB too so in that case im undecided......
  9. JetsFan

    JetsFan Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2002
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    I voted for Sims, only because we could get him for league minimum plus playing incentives. It would not hurt to have another guy at camp. He would come to the Jets with bells on.

    If we do decide to some some money on a QB, Anderson would get my vote.
  10. phubbadaman

    phubbadaman Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2005
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    I wouldn't mind leftwich, but from that list, just stay with the status quo
  11. tpjets62

    tpjets62 Member

    Sep 18, 2003
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    I voted to stick with the guys that we've got and give them a shot. If someone good drops to our spot in the draft by all means grab him. But for our upcoming season, I'm behind the guys on our roster.
  12. Mambo9

    Mambo9 Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2009
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    This is my analysis for the 2009-10 season.

    Defense: Major needs at LB, CB and S minor need at DE, NT
    Unless for some reason one of the top LB drops to us in the first round I think we will look to cover this need in free agency (Scott or Lewis) or in the low picks (4th to 6th) of the draft. After all if Gholston plays like a 1st round pick (and if he doesn’t we are screwed for a long time), Harris like he knows and Pace like he is doing whoever comes in at LB is going to do well. If it’s going to be Bart Scott or Ray Lewis all the better as they will already have played with Coach Ryan.
    For the CB I think we will address that need in the 2nd or 3rd round as there is good talent in this draft, even though I don’t know if there are many good man cover corners (are there :D?). We need some backup as well but I think we will get someone in FA or in the late rounds as well. FA is a possibilty if someone comes at a human price.
    S I think Leonhard will be a Jet next season and that would settle it for me. I’d love to see Nic Harris arrive but I don’t know if he will. If we don’t get our S via FA I think the 2nd,3rd or 4th round would be good to address this need. Lowery might become a good S in my opinion or at least a viable option in case soeone gets hurt. He is our versatile DB I think.
    DE is a weird situation. I think Ellis can really improve under Ryan and I think Mosley and DeVito are good backups. I’m just a little concerned with Coleman. If he stays no problem but I really could see un upgrade in his position. If we settle our safeties (and we don’t get Harris in the 3rd sigh) I could see a 3rd round pick spent on DE for an upgrade.
    NT is the same as DE. Jenkins is good but I don’t know if we have any good replacement. Ron Brace in the 3rd would be really good and I’d prefer him over drafting a DE.
    I wouldn’t discard the possibilty of getting rid of Coleman and bringing in a good DE via FA.

    So for me the defence in 2009 should (based on my opinion and not what the JETS will do) be this:
    25 Players
    DE: Coleman/Olshansky, Ellis, Mosley, DeVito
    NT : Jenkins, Pouha/(3rd round pick if we don’t get N. Harris)
    LB: FA/(1st round pick), D. Harris, 2 more ILB, Pace, Thomas, Gholston, Murrell
    CB: Revis, FA/(2nd round pick), (4/6th round pick), 1 more no idea who
    DB: Lowery, Poteat
    S: Rhodes, FA, Elam, N. Harris (3rd round pick and also can play LB)

    Hopefully someone will shine at ILB, CB and DE/DT during training camp and fill the empty holes or offer an upgrade. Some of the DE/DT reserves might want to catch up with Magnini.

    Offence: Major needs at WR, QB minor needs at OL, RB
    WR I think we will draft a future game breaking reciever with our first pick unless a QB we love drops to us (Sanchez?). Clowney and Stuckey will hopefully step up this year so we should have a good mix of WR. I think really the guy we are drafting here is a substitute of Coles for next year, given this year there is so much talent.
    QB this will be a really big debate. There are different scenarios. 1. we keep Clemens, Ratliff and bring in a FA. 2. we keep Clemens, Ratliff and continue developing Ainge. 3 we keep C, R and get either Sanchez in the 1st round or Freeman in the 2nd. 4 We keep C, R and draft someone in later rounds in place of Ainge. 5 We cut one between C and R and mix it with one of the above options.
    In my opinion I would go 1 or 3 unless someone we really like falls down to say round 4 trough 6.
    This is because if C or R play well good, otherwise we get McCoy in 2010.
    OL could see an upgrade by drafting someone for the future (a LG or a RT) but it’s not really a big need.
    RB is tricky. I like Jones and Leon but if we want to play full out running game I wouldn’t trust having only them two. I could see a 1st round pick go on Wells or Moreno because of the value they bring with them. We could have a triple threat attack and not worry if someone gets injured. I have some concerns about FB as well but I hope Richardson will stay healthy for another season.

    2009 Offence:
    23 Players
    QB: Clemens, Ratliff, FA(or maybe Freeman in 2nd round).
    FB: Richardson, 1 more
    RB: Jones, Washington, someone powerful or very very fast
    WR: Coles, Cotchery, Stuckey/Someone big, Clowney, Smith, 1st round pick
    TE: Keller, Baker
    OL: D’Brick, Faneca, Mangold, Moore, Woody, 3 reserves

    So I have a total of 23 + 25 = 48 Players.

    For the special team I think we should re-sign Feely as our K, keep Dearth at LS, draft a P. Considering W. Wright a special team star this means we have a 52 man roster.
    The 53rd man I think should be someone we consider having a lot of upside but not yet ready, maybe in an area of need like DL, LB, DB or QB. No idea who that could be :D.
    My draft would be:
    1) WR Maclin or Harvin or Britt or Heyward-Bey maybe trading down
    2) CB Moore or Harris or Davis trading up
    3) S Nic Harris pleeeease or someone else (probably someone else)
    4) LB/NT Best player available (90% a LB)
    5) RB/QB Bomar if still there but i would go RB (maybe an injury prone but good)
    6) CB Best availible considering man coverage skill set
    7) P/FB/OL Please Kevin Huber :D or best player availible (hopefully a P)

    What do you think of this preview of the Jets? Thanks for reading.
  13. mr nyjet

    mr nyjet Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    stick with the guys there now, and use the draft to find a cb, safety, and wr , tall, with speed.

    the later rounds can be used to build line depth or lb talent.
  14. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    Leftwich is injury prone, has the mobility of a statue, and has a very slow release. The combination of those three things do not make for a quality NFL QB. I say pass and go with the guys that are here. Haven't Jet fans learned already that a big arm doesn't mean a good QB??
  15. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Bulger/Clemens/Ratliff compete in TC and preseason for starting job.
  16. fltflo

    fltflo Active Member

    Mar 6, 2008
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    I would like to add one little note to the people who say that if we had a good QB on the roster we would not have brought in Farve...

    The one and only reason they went out and got Farve was,,,, to sell you those Damn PSL and get you all hyped up. Brett Farve was not a football decision, his hiring was a marketing ploy, plain and simple....

    Now many of you want to bring in some other waste of roster and cap space QB who is past his prime and looking for that last big pay day from the all to often stupid Jets front office.

    You older fans know just what I'm talking about, you have seen this all too many times, you could make a huge list of two year wonders who were brought in as saviors and stunk up the place. About the only guy who we ever got any excitment out of, Vinny T., was more a product of Tuna's system of managing the game and making all the other parts do there share.

    We have two sure young men on the roster who we must see are worth there salt and letting some old over the hill guy in the door is crazy.
    Here's how I would handle it, Clemens at this point in time is my starter and I tell him it's you job to lose. If Ratliff beats you out then you have no one to blame but yourself. It's time for you to shit or get off the pot, because if he does beat you out, expect to be out of Pro football in two years. I want my young QB to be agressive and take what belongs to him and let anyone on the team know that they damn well better get use to me because there is a new gunslinger in town and this year we are not going to miss the playoff because I'm throwing more picks then TD's.

    If neither of these young men are the answer then we are going to have a shitty year and be afforded an excellent draft pick next year and then we can go out an draft a long term answer..

    So my money is on Clemens and I know many of you (Don) think I am dead wrong, but if he is allow to develop and not asked to be the savior and just work the system and manage the games, I think many guys will be eating crow at the end of next season....
  17. GBA

    GBA Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2007
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    I'd say Bulger is (or was) an above-average QB. He has the arm and accuracy and is a good decision-maker, but has no mobility whatsoever. That combination can be very good behind a decent o-line.. kind of Brady-esque, though not the same caliber.
  18. gillyman

    gillyman New Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Clemens. Bring Derek Anderson into camp and let him and Ratliff fight it out for #2. Ainge should talk to his uncle about shooting 3 pointers in the offseason.
  19. JetsVilma28

    JetsVilma28 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    In reality, the Jets should just draft a solid reciever. Leftwich is def the best of all the choices though. Proven in regular season, he can carry a team into the playoffs.

    Side note, Coles is going downhill fast.
  20. NYJetsMan7

    NYJetsMan7 Member

    Mar 29, 2007
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    In full agreement w/ this!

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