17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    That makes a lot of sense. I guess those are the type of people that would pay $$ for PSL's. Would you agree that there will be less no shows because of what people are paying and those people would have to be pretty big jet fans... I am talking 5k psl and UD
  2. asbcheeks

    asbcheeks Member

    Jul 29, 2003
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    Anybody know if 1978 people received their packets yet?
  3. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    I have and I am 1981
  4. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    I have & I am 1977
  5. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I received mine yesterday and I am January 1, 1985.
  6. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Initially, I think the stadium will be packed. It's going to be a huge novelty and everyone is going to want to see it. They'll also want to be able to tell everyone at the office that they got tickets through so-and-so and they're going to a Jets game because it'll be very cool. They're thrilled to death but they can make out like it's "Ho-hum... I got tickets to the Jets game on Sunday, so I guess I'll go...." Meanwhile, they're like, "Man, am I hot shit or what?"

    It'll be a status symbol and conversation piece at the next cocktail party or get-together with co-workers after work at the bar. Everyone knows how expensive the seats are, so co-workers will be like, "Wow! How the hell did you rate? God, I'd love to go to a game and see the new stadium."

    So this will go on for a year or two, after which it'll all settle down and get back to the way it was. If you've got tickets to the Eagle-Jets final preseason game, you'll be lucky to get 20% of face value. Same thing if the Jets are 3-9 with a lot of injuries, for example.

    The other factor is, there are many, many more unprotected seats now. It looks like 80% of the outdoor seats are not under cover. This was not the case in the "old" stadium. You could enjoy a nice outdoor seat and still stay dry in many sections (except the upper). Now, all the levels are exposed, so that gets kind of old too.

    I'm not opposed to a stadium without a dome. I agree with many sho say it sould be an outdoor game and the field should be exposed to the elements. That doesn't mean that the fans should also be exposed. The players on the field are working out before the game and are moving and running, etc., so between that and the bench warmers and the halftime, keeps their temperatures up.

    Not so with the fans, who sit motionless and freeze. I manage to stay quite comfortable in any kind of weather because we layer and bring blankets, etc. But that doesn't work if you're wet. It's one thing to sit for 4 hours in the cold and be dry and quite another to be wet... like night and day.

    That's why the "old" stadium made so much sense and was much more fan-friendly (sightlines too), because of the shape. The new stadium sucks for sightlines and fan protection from the elements. The whole thing shuld be demolished, IMO, and either start over or remodel and retrofit the "old" stadium. There wasn't a bad seat in the house, which cannot be said for this new POS.
  7. vjdbbq

    vjdbbq Banned

    Apr 8, 2003
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    Just got a call from my PERSONAL SEAT REPRESENTATIVE . The guy sounded like a used car salesman. He must have been reading from a script , probably written by TANNENBAUM . Speaking of TANNENBUM , why does he do interviews ? He never answers the questions that he is asked ! The only useful information he told me was that non-PSL people will be able to buy parking passes , for the full season of course, for the reserved parking spaces shown in the PLAYBOOK map.
  8. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Clarification on the 2nd Qualifier: Seat

    I Have Clarification On The Second Qualifier: Seat Location

    We all know that Seniority is the 1st qualifier in determining what your number or order is. It was still unclear to me how "current seat location" entered into it though. Nowhere was it made clear in the brochure or on this board. Is it the Lower? Is it Mezz, because, supposedly, these have been the "premium seats?" Is it the Upper if you are currently in the Upper? Champ and I have been around the horn on that one.

    Well, according to my rep, who danced around about the question somewhat (So I'm still not sure he truly knows 100%, because he said as far as section goes, they're "still determining that," which sounds kind of odd), but he finished up by clarifying and saying that it "goes by the 50," your current seat location is by "How close you are to the 50."

    In other words... two guys have identical seniority. Their both after the same section, maybe the same seats. The guy who is closer to the 50, NO MATTER WHAT SECTION HE IS IN, is the one who is ahead of the other. Does not matter whether you are in the Lowers or Uppers or Mezz... it's how close to the middle you currently are.

    Just figured I'd help clear this up somewhat. Other than that, I confirmed that yes, we are in Phase I and THE ONLY PSLs TO BE SOLD NOW arein the Club Section. No other PSLs can be assigned or purchased until Phase II. That goes for assignement and purchase of non-PSL Uppers as well.
    #228 Section 227. Row 5, Feb 12, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2009
  9. JoeWalton

    JoeWalton Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2005
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    "as you can see from this picture the mezzanine is as high as the first row of Giants Stadium Upper Deck!"

    Does this mean, due to the extra height, you will need a telescope to watch the game from the Upper Deck? The current Giants Stadium is too high as it is.
  10. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Phase One Phase Two Red Seat

    Sect 227 - thanks for emphasizing the whole Phase One Phase Two part of all this the past two days. I didn't pick up on this aspect of their time-line, so your explanation was a big help. Then when I really read the "Playbook" it all made more sense. Since I have to restore my proper seniority date - they have me two years later - I was freaking out once I read posts here stating that some seat locations were already assigned. The guys on the phone told me they had time to look into it and now I know why. I am not opting for any clubs so seat assignments of Uppers are really still a good month or more away. "Spring" doesn't begin 'til 3/21.

    Your posts have been helpful. Oh, and did you guys hear Favre retired? ; ) And another thing, do we get to choose the color of our seats? I loved the ball-busting in one of these threads about the color of the friggin' seats. In two years I will REALLY miss my old red seat, that is a fact.
  11. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    Welll Im 1977 And Sit On The 40 Right Now. Boo Yah
  12. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    It's not only the height, it's the setback.... It's both, really. The elevations are several hundred feet higher and the front rails on the Mezz and Upper are several hundred feet farther out. This gets you hundreds of feet out diagonally from current seat locations. In other words, horrid.

    So yeah, to answer your question, if you can get your hands on a used Hubble Space Telescope and get it into the stadium, you might be able to see Leon Washington on a kickoff return. Otherwise, he's going to look like a speck of fly shit on Mt. Rushmore.
  13. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    No problem man, glad I could help clear it up. 17a's pictures have been worth a thousand words too.

    As far as the red seats are concerned, I'd sit in a pink seat if I could just get the same view I've got now (And I mean that sincerely). I would give a squat what color the seat was.
  14. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I Thought Getting My Seat Package Was Going To Be The Thrill Of A Lifetime

    You know, at this point, I want to add something to this conversation... something that struck me yesterday after my mailman arrived at about 10:30am.

    For over two years now, since we've been talking about the new stadium, I've been looking forward to the day when my package would arrive. I figured, with my current seat location and how long I've been a fan and my seniority, MAN, was it going to be fun to open up that package and figure out where my new seat would be.

    Yesterday, I pulled the Playbook package from my mailbox and tossed in on my couch. Then I proceeded to post a little here and paid my bills, etc. Took the bills to the post office and swung by the bank... ran a few errands, then came back and posted some on the board again.

    At 3pm I took another look at the Playbood package and figured it was time to open it. No excitement... no real thrill involved, because I knew what was in it. A big pile of steaming dog shit.

    Sure enough, I read it just about in it's entirely and it stunk like all get out, especially as you comb through the stadium chart layout and look at the prices. Then you sit there doing the math... it's all times 4, because that's how many seats I've got and that's what I've always wanted, it's just the right number for our family.

    Oh yeah, there's lots of nice pictures. Looks like a bunch of yuppies sitting around in private lounges with only 4 or 5 people in the room with them. Yeah, right. Bartenders serving a drink with no one else at the bar... unobstructed views of the TV sets. People sittling around facing AWAY from the action on the field, eating appetizers and sipping cocktails. It's all very elegant... all very upscale, and, unfortunately, all very NOT ME. I don't go to the games for that, which is exactly what I told my 'rep" when he asked me, 'But aren't the amenities worth the PSL to you?" "Honestly, no," I told him. I don't go to the games for the atmosphere, I go there to watch the game.

    But you get done reading this bullshit and looking at all the prices (ticket prices that are truly scary), and you just want to put it down and say to yourself, "This is what I was looking forward to receiving the past several years?" It's all just so out there it's hard to describe. That this is what it's come down to, finally.

    My "rep" asked me a curious question just before he got off the phone with me today. When I told him I could not afford the Club PSLs, he said to me, "Is it the PSL price, or is it the ticket price?

    Interesting, I thought. Why would he even care. Why would he ask that question? Is it possible somebody in the FO is taking some sort of informal poll?

    My answer was pretty basic... "It's both, actually," I said, "but it's more the ticket price than the PSLs, I think." "I MIGHT be able to justify some sort of PSL," I told him, "But the ticket price is a killer. For me, it would be $400 times 4, and that's $1600 per game. And of course, I've got to buy all 10 games, so that's $16,000 per year, you know what I mean?"

    He didn't seem to have much of an answer to that. I thanked him for calling me and he wanted to make sure I give him a call "if I needed anything else." I told him I'd fill out the preference sheet and get it in right away. That's all I can do right now. The whole experience is like one, big, huge, slow rape.
  15. BadgerOnLSD

    BadgerOnLSD Banned

    Sep 6, 2004
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    Nailed it.
  16. NYJetsFan26

    NYJetsFan26 New Member

    Dec 16, 2007
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    Well it's the closest the Jets have come to having a stadium of their own but I would have rathered the West Side Stadium, nevermind the Ny Nj thing, the West Side Stadium blew this one away by miles, what I don't get is how a Stadium the Jets would have built by themselves is 10 times nicer then a Stadium that another NFL team is pitching in on? What I mean is you would think having 2 NFL teams team up to build a stadium that the sky would have been the limit, it should be the nicest looking, greatest stadium in the NFL, but it just kind of looks like an updated version of the Meadowlands with the exception of the added leg room and 4 jumbo trons??? It will be great to see the Jets playing there don't get me wrong, this stadium is half ours which is something we never had, we went from the Polo Grounds to kissing the Mets ass to kissing the Giants ass, there will be no ass kissing at this stadium, during our home games it's Jets Stadium with no Giants or Mets shit anywhere, I hate saying shit and Mets together for I am die hard Mets fan, but Shea was not a true home for the Jets.. Anyway, I just think the Jets & Giants could have come up with something better then this, it's another
    Bowl Style stadium? They should have opened it up like the Broncos, Steelers and Titians stadiums? The bowl design was big in the 70's but it's 2009 and it's 2 NY teams, I think they rushed this project to be honest, anyway, James Dolans still sucks ass and is the main reason the Jets are not builing their own stadium on the West Side right now...I hope you rot you pile of shit Dolan!!!!!
  17. davecrazy

    davecrazy Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    the current stadium field is below grade. The new stadium field is at grade.

    The height difference isn't really that different.
  18. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Of course it is.

    You're talking about several feet. We're talking about several hundreds of feet. The elevation of the tiers are much higher than they were before. Do you not see that?
  19. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    you know you are absolutely right! the worst thing about it is the amount of money they are putting into this stadium. its astronomical!!! and yet its really just not much to write home about as it stands right now.

    they went with a bowl to accomodate all of those that will fill the place every week, had they opened it up there would have been far fewer seats, i am not a big fan of open ended football stadiums anyway... yes james dolan can go right ahead and suck a fat one, as i am sure he has many times in the past! its a shame that this is as close as we have ever been to having our own stadium yet it still feels like we are second class citizens.

  20. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    i think the stadium would make an awesome hotel or nightclub. just not a good sports environment. thats where they went wrong.

    die hard sports fans dont bring in mega bucks. we spend bucks but not mega bucks.

    the fans woody is aiming for and accomendating is the so so sports fan or bandwagoners.people who need more than football b/c THE GAME IS NOT THEIR PRIORITY.NOR IS TAILGATING.

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