New York Daily News reports Rex Ryan will be the Jets next HC ...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by JetsFan, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Post-it Girl can sit on my face too.

    Just let me finish this beer first.
  2. Wut?

    Wut? Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2008
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    I cant wait for "Rexgenius".
  3. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Are you going to be a bloody tampon all season because we didn't hire Cowher?
  4. Jetfanmack

    Jetfanmack haz chilens?

    Aug 27, 2002
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  5. JoeJet

    JoeJet Banned

    May 7, 2006
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    Hey still inviting Jet fans under 16 years old to a sleepover at your Mom's basement apartment that you are still "renting"?
  6. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Hey JoeJet, you still trying to pick up married women on the internet while pretending to be a Christian millionaire stockbroker?
  7. Wut?

    Wut? Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2008
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    Well, Im a sucker for winning so probably.
  8. tpjets62

    tpjets62 Member

    Sep 18, 2003
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    Bottom line is Rex is my first choice for HC. None of us really know what some of the stipulations will be for either side in this deal. I don't think rex is desperate to be a HC, it sounds like he really wants this HC job. It sounds like both sides want this to happen so there will be some give and take. Just because I voted for someone or support someone, doesn't mean I agree with everything they do. Every HC in the league comes up with a "wtf was he thinkin?" stunt or decision, tho some do it alot more than others. I'm sure Rex will be no exception. But if we can get an identity, some pride in this franchise, make some playoff runs and get a solid base laid down, count me in! I may not be happy with some people under him, but if he gets results he has my vote and support. Besides, its always nice to have a scapegoat kickin around under you when you run into a train wreck.......
  9. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    I don't understand why this is "desperate." It's possibl he wants to coach here over anywhere else but part of the deal is that Schotty stays, upon which he's agreed because he wants to be here.

    I'm not saying that's the way to run things - because I think he should have the ultimate decision - but that also doesn't mean he's desperate.

    Or, like I said before, what if he actually sees something in Schotty and wants to keep him aboard?
  10. Green Lantern

    Green Lantern Active Member

    Oct 1, 2004
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    I don't understand the "Go Steelers" mantra over Rex.
    If Rex is to be the coach, why pull for Pittsburgh? So that we can make an announcement sooner? I'd rather have a guy whose team wins the whole thing and delay the announcement...2-3 weeks means nothing when you're hoping for a long future with the guy. After the Giants-Eagles game, I didn't feel as good about Spags' candidacy. And if Big Ben and the Steelers roll the Ravens, are you still going to be as confident? I mean, if the Ravens are picked apart...they end up lumped in with the other 30 losing teams.

    My biggest concern with Rex is that he's been gluttoned with Ed Reed and Ray Lewis, two of the best players at their respective positions in the entire history of the game. How great would Baltimore's defense be without those two guys? If he had David Harris and Eric the Ravens get this far? Yeah right.
    And as far as evaluating him b/c Buddy was his father, his father was legendary in Philly. In Houston, and then Arizona, he was a cartoon character.

    I'm still holding out hope for Schotty to be HC. I was in the minority when Herm was here, and when Chad was here. Don't mind being in the minority here too bc the team's never done anything to prove me wrong...ever. They can only pleasantly surprise me - its never disappointing to be a Jets fan.
  11. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    Whether or not the Ravens beat the Steelers or even win the SB doesn't have any baring on Ryan as a coach. I'm hoping for the Ravens to lose because the sooner we higher him, the sooner the ball gets rolling on his staff, player evaluation, a sense of stability, etc.
  12. Jtuds

    Jtuds Active Member

    Dec 5, 2004
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    Nothing is good news until this team is in the playoffs and fixes their problems, both the obvious ones and the ones that arise during the first half of any game next season. Win. Make the playoffs. Then we'll decide on the nature of the news.
  13. Scottso

    Scottso Member

    Dec 6, 2004
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    YES, OK! So tell me about all of the head coaches that have won with one team and gone on to win win with the next. Is it Vince Lombardi, Bill Parcells, Jimmy Johnson, Joe Gibbs, Don Shula, Dick Vermeil, Mike Holmgren, etc? Exactly who the f is it that wins with their next team? I really want to hear it! What is the average of new head coaches going to a team and winning the bowl with their first team, compared to retread coaches?
  14. JetFanInMD

    JetFanInMD New Member

    Aug 16, 2008
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    It is never disappointing to be a Jets fan if you never expect to win.
  15. Jtuds

    Jtuds Active Member

    Dec 5, 2004
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    And how many SB's did Holmgren bring to Seattle?
  16. JETS_Mogul

    JETS_Mogul Member

    Sep 25, 2005
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    This SNL skit is f'n hilarious. This just made my week. BTW, is that the girl from the Sopranos, Jamie Lynn (the one at the grocery counter)?
  17. TheCoolerGlennFoley

    TheCoolerGlennFoley Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2004
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    Could also look at the flip side that the Ravens scheme has helped vault Lewis and Reed into that discussion at best at their prospective positions. I'm sure they'd be phenomenal in any system but its kind of like saying Derek Jeter's .315 career average on the Yankees makes him something more then that same thing playing for Pittsburgh.

    And it's better to be able to hire Ryan as early as possible so he can start assembling a staff. Not to mention a defensive coordinator who just won the Super Bowl is going to cost more in terms of dollars and cents then one who fell a game short of getting there. As far as his dad goes the only stock I put in that is he's been around the game for a long time and not just on the playing side of the sideline which can't be a bad thing. He has an idea of what the Jets were in the lone year they actually won it all so I think that's also a positive.
  18. HardHitta

    HardHitta Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Hope this is true, Ryan is my #1 guy ahead of Spags. Wouldn't be too suprised if we get Ryan and then he quits the next day...
  19. Jets Family Values

    Jets Family Values New Member

    Jan 14, 2009
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    say no to rex ryan


    I hope I am wrong, but I don't see the Rex Ryan era leading us anywhere. No it's safe to say that he won't lead us to the super bowl, since nobody has since weeb ewbank, but will he get us even close?

    People will say he has a good family tree, since his dad buddy was a great coach. Defensive coach yes, head coach no. In fact he was only head coach for a total of 3 years, while he was defensive co for 13. Plus, Buddy ran the infamous 4-6 defense and not the 3-4 defense that rex runs. Also, name a head coach who's son done anything. Jim Mora Jr, Wade Phillips. Exactly!

    Speaking of Jim Mora Jr, he was actually the def co at Balt before Rex took over. He went to Atlanta to become a head coach and was a disaster. His in-game decision making was awful and would have been let go regardless of his speech about wanting to coach at Washington. The previous d-c before that, marvin lewis, another great head coach. So the track record of balt dc becoming head coaches is not good.

    After Brian Billick was let go, did they hire the def mastermind that had the great defenses? No, they hired the unproven John Harbaugh. Obviously Ozzie Newsome has done a fantasic job running the ravens and knows how to win and he obviously thought that Rex Ryan wasn't a capable head coach even though he's been with the organization since 99'. In fact, Rex has never been a head coach on any level! So he may be able to put together a def game plan, but he's never had the task of game planning and managing a whole team. In fact, they gave him the title of asst head coach this year probably so he wouldn't leave and would remain as an experienced dc for their new head coach. Mind you, John Harbaugh served UNDER Rex Ryan the past few years as def backs coach at Baltimore. And no, JH never served as a head coach anywhere, and the closest he's been is a ST coordinator. So you would think that Rex Ryan would have been head coach and JH would have took over as DC.

    Hey, Baltimore's defense is awesome, it has to be the D-co. Well, when you have ed reed, ray lewis, haloti ngata on the roster, just to name a few, how hard is it not to be. It's not Rex Ryan's defense, it is Ray Lewis defense. He's the one the gets them going, fires them up, keeps them on his toes. Is he overrated as a player, possibly, but he is the unquestioned leader on defense and who the players look to, not Rex.

    When Rex becomes the coach of the Jets, suggs, lewis or scott (who are all free agents) one of them will come to the Jets. Lewis, no, he is a lifetime raven. Suggs, why? Isn't this what gholsten was brought into do? You just drafted a high first rounder to be the next Suggs, and now you are going to waste even more money for the same position? Scott, possibly, but do you many other needs than to spend on a LB.

    Defensive coaches make the best coaches. Not for the jets, (outside of bill parcells) and they haven't hired an offensive mind since Rich Kotite and I few people think he is an offensive guru. Another problem with this defensive mentality is that Rex has had such a great defense that the offense doesn't need to take many chances. They can just play it safe and let the defense win it, so it leads me to believe he would make the same in-game decisions Mangini was ripped for, especially the final few games. The good thing about the ravens def is that they run a blitz package where there are 4-6 possible blitzers and then only 2-3 actually blitz to confuse the offense. Remember when the Jets used to do this sometimes? Where did that go? They would use it for a half and you would never see it again and they definitely wouldn't use it against inexperienced qb's.

    This is not a rip on Rex Ryan propaganda, but if his name was John Smith, would people be so gun-ho on hiring him. Now the jets are stuck hiring another head coach with no experience so he can go somewhere else five years from now and be better. It is safe to say that none of the big names on the board, Shanahan, Cowher, Holmgren, Dungy are going to coach this year, and it seems like we are stuck hiring a coach that might not be qualified. Would it have been better to wait a few weeks before firing Mangini and realize that the best coaching candidates will be waiting in the wings next year and give Mangini one more shot. Remember when the Giants wanted to run Coughlin out the door, but he changed a few things to become more player friendly, because if he didn't, he wouldn't have had a job. The same thing could have been done to Mangini and he would have had one year to turn it around knowing the coaches waiting in the wing.

    I hope I'm wrong, and the fact this, there just might not be any better coaching candidates out there. Look at the awful head coaches that have been fired (crennel, marinelli, edwards (most likely) and the ones that are still coaching (lewis, childress). I think it's safe to say that a college head coach is also out of the question. So, there you have it, now are you jumping for joy for Rex Ryan?
  20. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Jim Mora, Jr. did lead Atlanta to an NFC Title Game and he wasn't the DC in Baltimore, that was Mike Nolan.

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