When you add this up with the Jones comment, there was obviously a problem. The team did not like Favre, or at least a number of players didn't. Throw in the the owner loves him and you can see why a player may remain anonymous. This outcry is the players' way to send the message to Woddy and Tanny that Favre is not wanted back. It's not hard to understand. With every day that goes by, the Favre folly gets worse and worse.
Yeah, it wasn't Jones, but the fact ESPN scrolled the anonymous comments right before the Jones comments, so I misread them as coming from the same person. Makes it worse, seems to be a common perception among teammates.
Wahhhhh - Brett didn't snap my ass with a towel in the locker room - Wahhhhhhhh This organization is just a disaster no matter what it does.
Who Cares ? If these girls can't sort this out amongst themselves give them all skirts. Nobody gives a flying turd if one of these pampered jocks wants to cry about organization politics. You don't like it? Go get a real job and see if anybody wants to keep you employed when you want to cry about an NFL legend and HOFer who gets some special treatment. Bottom line - go out and achieve what BF has achieved before you start pissing and moaning about being treated unfairly. Go out and win a super bowl, if you can't then STFU.
Ever think that maybe he needed somewhere quiet -private to study and learn a new playbook in 2 weeks?
Have you ever been on a team??? It was Favre who was the pampered one, not these othere players. And what Favre did 10 years ago has no bearing on anything. Bart Starr is a legend and HOF player too. Should the Jets bring him in to be the QB? Favre won his SB 12 years ago. Big deal. We live in the present and he sucked while the FO sucked up to him and left a good team with a lot of players who DID achieve this year out of the playoffs. If you played on a team and saw some player getting special treatment becaue of his name or his PAST accomplishments, and saw that he wasn't performing and was actually hurting the team, you would feel the same way. Nothing destroys team chemistry as bad as special treatment being given to a player who is not earning it on the field.
Who cares? There's probably a reason why so many players are voicing their frustration with what is going on with the team. Did you even read the article or care to think about what is going on? This player isn't just complaining about 'special treatment', he's saying Favre doesn't even act like he wants to be part of the team. The players have to put up with not only that, but his terrible playing and special treatment.. and management seems perfectly happy with it as long as Favre brings $$$. Wasn't one of Favre's greatest assets supposed to be the leadership, experience, etc he brings that helps elevate the teams passion and level of play? If players are frustrated with him and get the impression he doesn't even care, then he's a cancer in the locker room and that is a real problem.
I think the best bet is that its an O-Lineman and I doubt its a first year Jet like Woody or Faneca. My bet would be on either Mangold or maybe a TE like Baker. Kev's Pick- Chris Baker.
Did you all see when Favre said "I love you guys" in the huddle before the kick off to the Miami game? That was either fake as can be or totally contradicts these new reports about Favre being distant. Based on his huddle statement you would think the offense was extremely close.
when an anonymous player comes out to talk about something It's best not to linger on the details, considering how wrong they may be, or do you just search for things to back up your favre bashing no matter where iit comes from?
you guys are blowing this way way out of proportion He was certainly no "Cancer" on the jets jeeze Maybe Farve, whos married with kids in college doesn't want to go out to dinner or hang out in nightclubs, big deal.
The press, as usual is making this out to sound like half the team hated Farve, they do it to sell papers and ratings and thats about it, Farve brought a lot to the table this year that the Jets had not had in a long long time.
Most athletes will always paint a perfect picture when being interviewed. If you haven't learned that by now I feel sorry for you.
Whoever said this is a guy without the guts to say it out loud and put his name to it, so I don't much care about his opinion. note: kind of hypocritical, since my own name isn't even Ed, huh? Well, I don't expect my internet ramblings to be taken seriously so its not.