Thomas Jones "blasts" Favre: Daily News Article

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by babyknight, Dec 31, 2008.

  1. Fusion2006

    Fusion2006 New Member

    Sep 7, 2008
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    Points to Consider:

    1) Thomas Jones average last three games, 3.9. 3.9, 2.3. Longs of 16, 7 and 6. So....

    2) Its ironic he's talking about this when most outsiders think Leon Washington is better than him.

    3) Did he have the guts to say this to Favre's face or did he just act like a pussy and go on the radio and say it? If he didn't say this to Favre's face, your a pussy.

    IMO, keep this stuff in the locker room and if you do go out and talk about it, you should have something to back it up with too. He has been nothing great the past three weeks, most of his runs are 2 yards and then the Jets are stuck in 2nd and long and 3rd and long. Its a team game and he needs to realize why he had a career year had a lot to do with Favre.

    Favre should hit him in the face with his Super Bowl ring.
  2. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    So you would have benched Brett Farvre and have expected Ratliffe to lead the team into the playoffs??? thats just fucking brilliant.

    By destructive force you mean the person the the team voted to be their captain and the person who is a guaranteed 1st ballot HOFer who is a proven winner? The main contributing factor to the Jets losing was Mangini's poor coaching job and the failure of the entire offense, defense and special teams to execute.

    And exactly how many super bowls have you won as a head coach? A football team isn't a democracy where everybody gets to exercise their rights to say whatever the hell they want to say whenever they want to say it. Successful football teams have time, place and manner restrictions on who can talk to the press and what they can say. These players are being played millions to play - not to whine and bitch to the media and throw their teammates under the bus. TJ has no problem taking Woody's $4M every year - well those checks come with the expectation that TJ act like a professional and not run off to Hot 97 and start whining like a little beotch to Angie Martinez. TJ just proved he can't handle freedom of speech without looking like a jackass and disrespecting his teammates. He proved exactly why NFL teams have gag orders in place - to prevent stupid mistakes like the one TJ just made. IF TJ wants to have freedom of speech he should return Woody's paychecks and quit and go join tiki barber so the two of them can sit around like two old women complaining about people who were much better football players than either one of them will ever be.
  3. Ralphw

    Ralphw New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Wow this TJ thing is spreading like wild fire
  4. Ralphw

    Ralphw New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Bet he comes out with another one to tone it down
  5. ouchy

    ouchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    He probably would have underthrown the punch and hit a drinking fountain
  6. southsidejet

    southsidejet Member

    Jun 9, 2004
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    I agree with a number of other posters who have questioned Thomas Jones making these comments on a radio show and out in public. In my view this will furtjher damage team morale now that the splits are clearly out in the open. It's hard enough to deal with rival camps/perspectives within a sports team or any group that needs to perform if the split is held indoors when it goes out in the world that's a greater vdistraction and trust is further damaged cos everybody gets steamed and might say or do something which will be more critically evaluated than perhaps necessary

    On seeing this thread my heart sank and I thought this is just a further nail in the coffin of any sense of the current Jets oprganisation being credible 7 pro bowlers or not.

    I guess TJ and greybeard will have a lot of fun in Hawaii
  7. keypusher

    keypusher Member

    Sep 23, 2008
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    This is just Jones pointing out that the emperor has no clothes. Maybe Woody will listen.
  8. JoeWalton

    JoeWalton Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2005
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    Come to think of it, what TJ said about Favre was sort of tame, considering Favre played the final five games of the season like he was intentionally tanking them.

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Not for one throwing another teammate under the bus but the fact of the matter is Thomas Jones just said what alot of others in the locker room feel.
  10. agrich

    agrich New Member

    Nov 14, 2008
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    I guess what bugs me about it is if you're going to point fingers, why stop there? Should Lowery be called out for being unable to cover even mediocre wideouts like Ted Ginn week after week? Should Cotchery be ripped for his costly fumble against the Broncos that really kind of started the whole slide? Should Trusnick be called out for dropping an easy INT for a touchdown against Miami? Chansi Stuckey letting that third INT go right through both his hands? Coles standing still at the line on another one? How about ripping Gholston for not contributing anything as a top-10 pick? I realize most of those guys are kids and not Hall of Famers, but man, if you're going to start blaming individuals it's pretty easy to single out the quarterback.

    Bottom line: the list of players who played poorly in the final 5 games doesn't begin and end with Favre. The list of guys who played well is a whole lot shorter.

    The whole thing just kind of makes me sad. Losing is one thing, losing with finger-pointing and singling out players as being at fault is a lot worse.
  11. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    I'm not sure what qualifies you to know what alot of others in the locker room are feeling, but alot of others in the locker room did not run out to Hot 97 and publicly rip their team captain who helped lead a team that went 4-12 to an improved 9-7 as well as implicitly ripping the former HC who had just lost his job. Only TJ did that. Its just a shitty thing to do and I would have to believe that TJ knows he made a mistake and will probably apologize for it. He should have showed more respect for Farvre and Mangini and the organization than he did.

    I didn't see any players running off to the Mike francesca show to bitch about how TJ's production pretty much sucked down the stretch. I didn't see Brett Farvre going on the radio and telling the tri state area that Leon should be getting many more touches than TJ because Leon is a better back.

    For some reason only TJ felt that he had the right to publicly trash his teammate and former coach. Maybe its TJ that thinks he is above it all and that team rules don't apply to him.
  12. Baumeister

    Baumeister Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2008
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    Thank god one of the player went on record about this. TJ is one of the team leaders and if he feels this way there are alot of other players who feel the same. Hopefully favre will not be a Jet next season.
  13. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    who gives a rats ass what TJ feels? He failed to be productive down the stretch and laid an egg against the Dolphins. 23 freaking yds and he thinks he's entitled to trash anybody else on the team??? What a joke.

    Farvre helped improve a team that went 4-12 last season to 9-7 this season. Farvre directly helped TJ have a career year at RB. TJ should stop pouting and stop whining to the media and stop pretending that he should be making personnel and coaching decisions for the team when he himself sucked against the dolphins and let his teammates down with his poor production.
  14. Learn To Swim

    Learn To Swim 2008 Nightowltom "Best Non-Jets Poster" Award Winn

    Sep 25, 2004
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    Very different than the kind of blasting Favre is used to from Peter King and Tony Kornballer.
  15. Jetcane

    Jetcane New Member

    Aug 4, 2006
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    Agreed, jones went the mangina route by criticizing a player in the press. it's a wussy move.

    And lest he forget that the reason he was able to get as many yards as he did was because defenses couldnt play eight in the box against Favre like they did against chad.
  16. RunLeonRun

    RunLeonRun Active Member

    Nov 19, 2008
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    I think TJ sealed the deal and Favre will NOT be back. Thank god! Thanks TJ! I do not want another year of this mess! It's just gonna be a waste cuz Favre isn't that good anymore.
  17. GBA

    GBA Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2007
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    I have a sinking feeling FO will ship out TJ before they do Favre. TJs a hard worker, but he's also expendable.
  18. Gubernaculum

    Gubernaculum New Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    Thomas Jones earned over 9000 respect points from me for this- we're not the only ones who see through the Favre BS
  19. brettjet

    brettjet New Member

    Sep 19, 2008
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    Going public like Jones has is just another prime example of today's T.O.'ism.
    A "me first" locker room and media jealous mentality.

    Too bad, he should keep his opinions between himself and his QB.

    Yup, down the stretch, Brett stunk the place up alright. No argument there, but Jones should be man enough to know better than go public like this.

    As far as I am concerned now, Jones and T.O. are simply sucking buddies
  20. brettjet

    brettjet New Member

    Sep 19, 2008
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    ***who gives a rats ass what TJ feels? He failed to be productive down the stretch and laid an egg against the Dolphins. 23 freaking yds and he thinks he's entitled to trash anybody else on the team??? What a joke.

    Farvre helped improve a team that went 4-12 last season to 9-7 this season. Farvre directly helped TJ have a career year at RB. TJ should stop pouting and stop whining to the media and stop pretending that he should be making personnel and coaching decisions for the team when he himself sucked against the dolphins and let his teammates down with his poor production. ****

    Well said AbdulSalam. I couldn't agree more.
    #100 brettjet, Jan 1, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2009

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