Cowher turned down Jets

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by jtrain, Dec 30, 2008.

  1. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    See? Read what you bolded.

    "One factor that has not been reported is that Cowher had serious concerns about the historic dysfunction of the franchise."

    Read the wording, especially what I italicized. That factor "has not been reported" yet they are presenting it as fact. It's all about the wording. Basically, what they're saying is: "ESPN, in its perpetual need to fellate the New England Patriots and rip into the New York Jets, has decided to report that one of the reasons Bill Cowher has decided not to join the Jets is because the franchise is dysfunctional. While this may be untrue, we're going to say it in a way that can't be disputed, yet make it appear that it was Cowher's own words. Go BoSox!"

    ESPN sucks. It shouldn't even be considered media.
  2. KSJets

    KSJets New Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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    This is why I don't believe this at all. ESPN is always looking to be the "first" to report any story, and a lot of times, wind up with egg on their faces. I never go to ESPN for any of my sports info. Sad, but true.
  3. Catfish Billy

    Catfish Billy Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    So he didn't want Favre as his QB. Then let go of Favre.

  4. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    Wow historical dysfunction.... that hurts. (If he really did say that)

    What bothers me is that he knew about that dysfunction before he was willing to meet with Woody. The other thing is you look at every team around the league and there are only a handful that aren't dysfunctional. Lets be honest since the Patriots started cheating thier way to super bowls they were dysfunctional, they sucked for a long time and then got lucky making it to bowl in 85/86. Other than the Steelers who seem to be competitive every year and the Broncos who again may not be in the playoffs but are never in the 4-12 area are there any teams that aren't or at some point haven't been dysfunctional, the 49ers since Mooch left are dysfunctional and this was maybe the greatest dynasty in NFL history. The Bills owners of 4 straight SB appearances have sucked since Marv stopped coaching, the Vikings who were as good as anybody not named the Steelers in the 70's have hit struggles. The Raiders with their SB appearances in every decade except the 90's but had some good teams are dysfunctional.... my point is if that's what Cowher is looking for he isn't going to find it unless he decided to coach women's basketball and coached at UCONN or Tennessee, every team to some degree has dysfunction and it's always going to be there.

    As for Brett Favre if that truly is the reason why Cowher wouldn't come here (So Woody can continue to sell PSL's of course) then every Jet fan who has season tickets has an obligation, don't get rid of your season tickets just burn them like the Giant fans did in the 70's, write letters to Woody telling him to fuck off and sell the team. If that is the reason why Cowher did not choose to come here than I am done with this franchise until that asshat sells the team. They will not get one dollar from my me or my family, no merchandise, no Sunday ticket, no trips across country to watch them play. Will I still watch them? Sure I'm a fan but as far as giving any of my hard earned money to a joke of an organization fuck that, I've got better things I can do with my money.
  5. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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  6. MexJetinBcn

    MexJetinBcn New Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    I'm starting to get tired of the "insiders", almost everyone seems to know something about someone, either the Jets are the most porous organization ever or there is a lot of bs in most of the news stories
  7. MexJetinBcn

    MexJetinBcn New Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    insiders, a source in the team, a spokeperson, all the same
  8. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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  9. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Okay, much ado about nothing though, IMO.

    I do know that at about 11:00AM, they stated on 1050 that Cowher had concerns because of the "historic dysfunction." Whether this was a refinement of the blub you are reading which came out around 8:45AM or so, I have no way of knowing.

    What's funny is, and a study of logic and sentence structure is, that the sentence still says this was Cowher's concern. Just speaking from a purely logical viewpoint. The sentence states that one of Cowher's factors was a serious concern about the historic dysfuntion of the Jets franchise, and that it had not been reported. This would be another way of dissecting the sentence, to mean the same thing.

    Hell, all I know is, I heard it on the radio and I found it completely shocking. If Cowher said anything close to this and used that terminolgy, he's less of a professional than I had ever envisioned him to be.

    It doesn't matter though. What matters is, he's not coming here. And after hearing this from him, I don't want him here either. Even if he truly believed this to be fact, a true positive thinker knows he can turn situations around with the right effort and people. Having made a statement like tht only indicated to me the guy wants to insult the Jets more than offer constructive criticism.
  10. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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  11. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    See, but you continue to buy into this as "fact," which it isn't.

    All that statement says is: "We've come up with a great idea for a story. We know you'll buy into it, and even if someone disputes it, people will believe it, and we hold no accountability for it because we never once said that Cowher actually said that the organization's historical dysfunction is a concern of his."

    But you're holding it against him as if he surely said it, which isn't fair. If he did say it, I'd join right in with the "Fu*k you very much Billy" crowd. However, nowhere has it been reported that he actually said this. Hell, I've yet to even see a story where a "close friend" or "an agent for Cowher" states that he said anything of the sort.

    Until I hear that he actually said what he's being accused of saying I can't and won't hold it against him.
  12. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Who would hold it against him? It's true.
  13. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    Well, that's an entirely different discussion.

    And sadly, I agree with you.
  14. SteelCurtain96

    SteelCurtain96 Active Member

    Nov 7, 2004
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    The guy won the Super Bowl...He's earned the right to be a bit picky with where he wants to coach next. I DOUBT he actually said the quote about dysfunction...

    I do NOT doubt that he didn't want Favre as his QB. Why come here for one year and then watch the drama with favre unfold every off season as a massive distraction.

    Cowher wants people that want to play football...and you KNOW that Favre will string the Jets along for a while in terms of his decision to play next year.

    It's a catch 22. Favre didn't want to play for the Jets fired him but now any coach worth a damn isn't going to want to take over an unresolved QB situation. And Favre won't make up his mind until he knows who the coach is gonna be.
  15. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    Well said. It's a screwed up situation for us to be in. I think we are going to regret the Mangini firing in the short term. The timing is bad all around with the QB situation and the fact that a lot clubs are looking for coaches.
  16. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I never bought into this as "fact." Please read my statements before accusing me of "buying into something." Also, please try to discern what I post as having heard on the radio or read in print from what I actually believe. And finally, in the future, please refrain from posting "bullshit" posts after I point out something I've read or heard in broadcasts, especially since I verified that this was indeed put out by ESPN and I even quoted the source. I was willing to accept your apology but you continue to nitpick instead of letting it go.

    In so doing, you're beating up the messenger, me. Beat up on ESPN as "unreliable" if you must, but I don't need personal criticism from you simply because I post something I've picked up from a news channel. Part of being a contributing member of the board is to post what's been publicly broadcast. It's impossible for any member to investigate all sources for the basis of ESPN broadcasts. But that shouldn't mean that they need to discontinue contributing that information as disseminated by ESPN.

    Now, regarding Cowher and my "buying into it as fact," here's exactly what I said, as quoted (from me) in your own post above:

    Whether this was a refinement of the blub you are reading which came out around 8:45AM or so, I have no way of knowing.

    If Cowher said anything close to this and used that terminolgy, he's less of a professional than I had ever envisioned him to be.

    I like to think that a board like this functions well if members excersize reasonable care in posting what they have read or heard or seen on TV. I believe I do that and don't post irresponsibly. I know you have a hard on for ESPN, no problem. But that shouldn't mean that I should be afraid to report here what I've read or heard or seen on ESPN just because you don't like them as a news source. 9 out of 10 times, they're probably right, although I do respect the fact that you question them.
  17. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    Okay man, I'll take blame for a poor choice of words, but I still wasn't attacking you in that post. I'll just let the matter drop though. Like I said, I respect you as a poster far too much to let semantics get in the way of us having conversations.

    Again, my apologies if I've said something that offended you. That was not my intent.
  18. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I was about to post the exact same thing. On my way out the door to go out to dinner with my wife and some friends.

    Happy New Year to you Alio, and to all!

    See you all next year! Let's hope it's a better year for us Jets fans.



    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Cower did not want to come here because we are not a Superbowl ready team. If Norv Turner gets Fired He will take that San Diego Job if he gets to control the show. Denver with Cutler, Eddie Royal and Marshall have more going than us on offense. There are better jobs than the NY Jets. In other words our talent is highly overratted or old and on borrowed time despite all of our pro bowl selections.
  20. mj2sexay

    mj2sexay Active Member

    Oct 18, 2005
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    I disagree with that. Our line isnt THAT OLD, and even so three of the five are young. Cohesion is just as good as talent when it comes to the offensive line, just ask the Giants. Furthermore on defense, Jenkins is only 31 if im not mistaken and the shelf life for dt's is one of the longest out of any position in football. Harris and Pace are young, Rhodes and Revis are young. There are definite building blocks in place.

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