What's so special about Bill Cowher?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by JetsLookingforDWare, Dec 25, 2008.

  1. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    I mean his football ideals don't seem different from Mangini's...get hard working, intelligent players with good physical ability. So I don't see the difference there, except he'll have a much, much, much better team that Mangini did to start and he didn't have to do shit but be Bill Cowher to get it.

    He's not a 3-4 master...neither is Mangini...but Cowher isn't really an offensive or defensive HC...he's just a guy with old school football beliefs....which would be nice if they came off as any different from Mangini.

    Basically, the best thing about hiring a Cowher would be that we get a guy similar to Mangini with more experience and a better reputation. As much as I love making lateral hires, I'd rather not go after another guy who just retired and throw the hopes and dreams of a franchise on him again. We saw how well that worked out with Favre...Cowher would snap here with how psychotic the blame game here can get...I mean Steelers fans LOVE the Steelers...they bring out those fuckin napkins and shit...and their media isn't NYC media...

    Hiring Bill Cowher just because he's Bill Cowher just seems like another cliche, hope for the quick fix hiring to me.

    And yes...I realize he's got a nice track record...but I say it's pretty easy to build a track record in Pittsburgh...Tomlin's still a n00b but he's a n00b that's allowed to grow with his players, something Mangini seems to have to hope for because he coaches for a fanbase that...iunno gets mad that we're trying to copy the Patriots by hiring him....but is OK with copying any other franchises path to success.

    Plus...# of coaches who have taken multiple NFL franchises to the Super Bowl is currently 0...right? So...whats the big deal about this guy?
  2. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    all i can say is the man is a winner. there is no way this team shits the bed like they have if they have someone like cowher running the show. i have been a mangini supporter all along, but watching this collapse has made it painfully obvious that he lacks something that a coach like cowher has.
  3. Kaiser

    Kaiser Member

    Oct 18, 2008
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    Check the sig. I'll take Romeo Crennel. Patriots DC 01-04. He'd be coming back to a division where he's atleast familiar with the teams. He'd be an assett for the coming years against the Patriots. If we do take him though, I'd only want him as DC to Bill Cowher being HC. I don't believe that a move for Bill Cowher would work unless the right personell were in place, RC being one of them. Perfect fit for our 3-4 as well.
  4. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    If you're going to hire Crennel...why not keep the HC he's worked with before and save the money on hiring someone like Cowher?

    Cowher would be a ridiculously lateral hire to me. Theres nothing special or different about this guy beyond his track record with arguably the best run franchise in this league for like 30+ years.

    I mean what do you guys even know as far as his football beliefs? What do you think he'd do different here besides bring a magical "winning attitude?" I could have sworn we brought that attitude in when we brought in the semi-retired Qb legend, but chyea...guess not.

    Cowher just sounds like a name that will appease the masses...if I were the Jets I'd just do my thing, ignore the masses that can apply for a job if they know so much about what's wrong and how to fix it...and win. I don't see why we have to dump everyone looking for some magical formula that doesn't exist.
    #4 JetsLookingforDWare, Dec 25, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2008
  5. MayoGate

    MayoGate Active Member

    Jan 6, 2007
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    Parcells took the Giants and the Pats to a SB ..
  6. Kaiser

    Kaiser Member

    Oct 18, 2008
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    ... and almost the Jets. *Sigh*
  7. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    Parcells is a whole different animal...mostly because he's a whore...but he's a whore who happens to be one of the 5 or so greatest football minds in NFL history. Plus, he didn't win.
    #7 JetsLookingforDWare, Dec 25, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2008
  8. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    No coach has ever won with multiple franchises. Thats why I'm not too particular in bringing Cowher here. Parcells, Shula, and Holmgren, went with 2 teams but never won.

    I'd rather get a coordinator from a good 3-4 team or an assistant from one of those teams.
  9. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    I wouldn't mind bringing in the Steelers Keith Butler to run the D if he feels up to the job.

    I'd say John Mitchell, but he's got it pretty damn comfy with that franchise. Butler does too...that franchise has to be so sick to work for...but maybe Butler's young enough to want to share the love.

    And if I were looking for a HC...I'd probably pick Spags. I realize it's cause we in the tri-state area see and hear a ton about this guy...but I'd still rather hold on to Mangini for another year. It's not like Spags is the last exciting HC candidate in this league...maybe McDaniels from the Pats will be ready for his first HC gig...I can picture half this board throwing up in their mouths a little reading about another assistant from the Pats.
    #9 JetsLookingforDWare, Dec 25, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2008
  10. DraftaFullBack

    DraftaFullBack Active Member

    Nov 4, 2007
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    That would be awesome.
  11. Kaiser

    Kaiser Member

    Oct 18, 2008
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    Any young assistant from anywhere. I'm tired of the Jets being "The Practice Run" for new HC's.
  12. SameOldJets2008

    SameOldJets2008 New Member

    Dec 30, 2007
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    you can say that about any coach, what impact do they really have on the game anyway. They dont even touch the ball. Why do we even need one?

    See i can do it to, the difference between Cowher and Mangina is that Cowher has won a sb, and taken his team to MULTIPLE playoffs, mangini got in once with herms team and they were promptly shown the door, he can take his morals and his character and shove it up his ass, it doesnt mean anything if you dont win.

    I think more than anything, the team has lost some respect for mangini after seeing how old and tired brett looks, and how good chad, the guy they kicked to the curb looks. Cowher will garner respect, thats for sure.

    Ultimately tho, it comes down the most talented team usually wins, and i dont think our defense is that talented.
  13. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    Cowher won 1 Super Bowl in 15 years.

    I refuse to buy the hype on that. If he was the winner we all say he is...wouldn't he have more to show for it?

    And I really haven't seen the team lose respect for Mangini, but I also don't have the access some here have to the Jets locker room so iunno.
  14. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    He's a proven, very consistent, very effective coach. His teams were almost always superbowl contenders. He had teams with shitbag QB's contending for SB's. Being a coordinator is a much different job than being a HC and Cowher has excelled at being a head coach.

    How many coaches have taken multiple NFL franches to the SB? Who the fuck cares? How is that relevant to how successful he would be here in any way at all? How many great coaches retired young enough to come back and coach another team?

    Most importantly, the man has a massive chin and spits when he yells.

    1 superbowl, but they were almost always realistically in the hunt. I think he made 4 AFC Championship games. He made 2 superbowls.

    edit: found the details on wiki
    #14 WhiteShoeWillis, Dec 25, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2008
  15. MGood41

    MGood41 New Member

    Jun 5, 2007
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    What everyone seems to forget about Bill Cowher is that he lost 4 conference championships at home. To me, that does not seem like a great coach. Without a miracle super bowl run, and let's be honest that Steeler super bowl was a miracle, Bill Cowher was on the fast track to being Marty Schottenheimer. So why is there no outrage to bring in Marty Schottenheimer hes a 3-4 guy? Bill Cowher may be able to maintain success but he is never going to come up with a gameplan that completely confuses the other team. Don't get me wrong Mangini has to go but Bill Cowher is not the answer.
  16. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    So you'd be upset with 6 AFC Championship appearances, 2 Superbowl appearances and 1 superbowl in over 15 years? Sign me up for that shit right now. You have to be a good coach to make that many championship games.

    You can't make it to the superbowl if you don't make it to the conference championship first.
  17. SameOldJets2008

    SameOldJets2008 New Member

    Dec 30, 2007
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    Look at his records, he had them in the hunt every year. If they wheels fall off on sunday and we dont make the playoffs, Do you really want another year of mangina?

    and there has been whispers, listen to the radio
    #17 SameOldJets2008, Dec 25, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2008
  18. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    I'm pretty sure most coaches given 15 years with one team...with the control Cowher had...as well as having a HOF defensive coordinator...would have similar success.

    Success is not some shit people are born with. Cowher didn't perform any magic...he was just actually trusted to do something with his franchise and he did.

    And plus, I ask again...what do you guys who want him so bad even know about his football beliefs? Do any of you guys have any idea what he'd do here besides "win"....which can't even be guaranteed?

    I don't even find the contending with shit QB's all that amazing...lots of teams have done it...it's a matter of getting the many other pieces that go into building a successful franchise...the Ravens did it in '00...the Pats won with a 6th round career backup in '01...the Rams offense of the late 90's was run by a guy who used to bag groceries and play in the AFL...
  19. MGood41

    MGood41 New Member

    Jun 5, 2007
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    That's not what I'm saying at all. What I'm saying is that I don't understand what makes Bill Cowher such a great coach. He lost 4 championship games at home. That means that 4 times he chokes on an opportunity to get to the super bowl. A great coach will not choke 4 times in his career. Look at the Parcells and Belichick, how many home playoff games have they lost. It took and absolute miracle for Bill Cowher to win the super bowl, and before that his seasons routinely ended in a choke job.
  20. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    Yessir. I think it's bullshit to give a guy 2-3 years to build a team, and then fire him after only one year with real, competitive NFL talent.

    If he fucks it up next year...let him be out like the vapours...but all we'd be doing is handing over Mangini's team to someone else that we think has some magic formula. Then when that guy wins we'll talk about how much smarter and blah blah blah he was than Mangini...despite the fact that he had very little to do with the roster that he'll be using.

    Any coach with a brain could be in the hunt every year...Mangini's been "in the hunt" 2 out of his 3 years here for those that haven't noticed/cared....and considering that the NFL allows for immediate roster upgrades via the draft and FA every year...why can't he improve? Why are we so unwilling to find out? Because of the most recent stretch of games? That just doesn't make sense in my book.
    #20 JetsLookingforDWare, Dec 25, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2008

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