Pennington Lovers Unite

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by WhiteShoeWillis, Dec 23, 2008.

  1. LAJetFan

    LAJetFan New Member

    Aug 26, 2006
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    Anyone hear this song? "Pennington's Coming To Town" by Ryan Parker. Just in time for Christmas..... Heard it on WFAN an hour ago. I can't post the link b/c my post count is not high enough but it's on
  2. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Once the game starts they cosmic grip the Jets uniform has on them will once again make them forget what they said.
  3. Long Time Jet Fan

    Long Time Jet Fan New Member

    Sep 18, 2003
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    It really is. These people are clearly not Jet fans. The Jets haven't played well lately, but they did beat the Titans and the Patriots, which just proves anything can happen. If they can make it to the playoffs, a Super Bowl is possible. Likely? No. Possible? Definitely.
  4. ukjetsfan

    ukjetsfan Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2005
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    I was a Chad fan. I opposed getting Favre because I was worried he would be a one-year deal and would struggle badly to replicate his 2007 form with such limited time with his new team.

    I also thought that Chad was probably done and was hoping someone else would step up to claim the starting job by being clearly better.

    It's plain bad luck for us that Chad seems to have gotten healthy for a hated division rival. I do not have any torn emotions about the coming game. I still think Chad is a classy player and he can beat anyone he wants except the Jets, as long as it doesn't impact our playoff chances. Any doubts about that were cleared up in week 1 when I felt sick watching him drive into position for a winning TD.

    The world is not black and white. Chad fans and Jets fans are not mutually exclusive.
  5. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    I don't get upset over a message board, bro. What I don't like about your posts is the arrogant way you decide who people are rooting for with no foundation of knowledge. The people here who are Chad fans are that because he was our guy for 8 years, drafted by the Jets, led us to three playoffs, tied with Joe Namath and Richard Todd for most post season wins for the franchise. Anyone who has seen the parade of crappy QBs come and go for decades will appreciate a QB who brought that to the Jets.

    Now that he's on Miami we are still rooting for the Jets, we rooted for Chad to come up short in Week 1 as ukjetfan just said. You for some reason are unable to make that distinction, so you pompously call out anyone who you don't agree with as "not real Jet fans", even though you yourself hated Chad when he was still on the Jets. Which makes you kind of a hypocrite.

    Regarding nyjunc, I like his posts because he knows what he's talking about. I don't always agree with him either, but he makes valid points based on his knowledge and memory of what actually happens on the field and he doesn't pretend to know what everyone else is thinking and who they are rooting for.
    #45 Italian Seafood, Dec 23, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2008
  6. JohnnyJohnson

    JohnnyJohnson Banned

    Mar 23, 2004
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    Funny how "you saw" this even though all reports out of TC was that it was a dead heat between Chad and Kellen Clemens. There is no way we win 9 games with Chad here. When you have a D that sucks you need to score more points. It's never been Chad to score a ton of points. But it's ok, Favre has been horrendous, there's no secret there and Chad has found a system that he fits in.
  7. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    You have obviously missed the several posts made here yesterday and today saying that the posters in question hope Miami wins this weekend. I was wondering why you were not denouncing them - perhaps in your lack of perspicaciousness you merely failed to notice them.

    There is nothing controversial or wrong about my saying real Jet fans do not root for their team to lose, especially to a hated division rival. I understand a Chad Fan like yourself might see it as more complicated than that. But no, it really isn't. There is nothing arrogant about pointing out the obvious, even if you would rather it was not so obvious.

    And your implication that you do not agree much with junc is laughable.

    Perhaps if you stopped arguing with me and read some of the posts in question you would look less foolish. But maybe not...
  8. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    The problem is you paint everyone who likes Chad with the same brush. Some people will take anything too far and go ahead and root for the Dolphins, that doesn't mean the rest of us are. There's where you drop the ball.
  9. Gubernaculum

    Gubernaculum New Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    I love the Kings of Jets Fans (the OP and Big Blocker) just love to determine who's a legitimate Jets fan and who's not. I know everybody is waiting with baited breaths for your next proclamations my highness.

    This is almost as bad as the blowhards who complain about fans at the game while they sit on their hands at home.
  10. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    I posted an article written by someone else. I also stand by the idea that anyone rooting for the Jets to lose to division rival, thus putting them in the playoffs instead of the Jets is NOT a Jets fan.

    I have never come on here telling people who was or wasn't a Jets fan until I started reading this bullshit over the last couple of days. I take no joy in telling people who is or isn't a Jets fan. I'm disgusted by people over the last couple of days saying they want the Jets knocked out of the playoffs so the Dolphins can get in.

    GTFOH w/your BS
  11. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I have no problem with people who used to like Chad who have moved on once he was let go. I may have HAD a problem in the past, but moving forward there is no real argument between us. You on the other hand...

    You're just posturing. We all know you want Chad to do well this Sunday. It would vindicate your position were he to do so.

    Now of course I am just going on all your posts here that are relevant to the question under discussion. Perhaps I am being unfair.

    But I really don't think so.
  12. JohnnyJohnson

    JohnnyJohnson Banned

    Mar 23, 2004
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    Sir, that is just disturbing.
  13. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Stop with the bs about "determining" who is a real fan or not. Answer a simple question:

    Can someone who wants Miami to win this weekend also legitimately call themselves a Jet Fan?

    If you think the answer is yes, then you are just plain wrong. Sorry. It's not me saying so. It is the way it is. Fans do not root for their team to lose.
  14. Long Time Jet Fan

    Long Time Jet Fan New Member

    Sep 18, 2003
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    How someone can even argue with what your saying is beyond me. :)
  15. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    See? There you go again. I've said over and over where I stand and who I'm rooting for, did the same thing in Week 1, but it just doesn't register with you. Either that or you don't read English well, or you just see what you want to see. That's the part that is annoying.

    It's true I've wanted Chad to do well throughout the year as an individual because I always liked the guy and his approach to the game, but never at any time have I rooted against the Jets. I rooted for Todd in New Orleans, Vinny in Dallas, Ken O'Brien in Philly, but never against the Jets. I'd imagine most Jet fans feel the same way.

    Regarding my "position here", I was the first guy to say I was wrong about Favre and happy to do so when it looked like I was, because my "position here" doesn't matter to me as much as seeing the Jets win. If you need help finding that one, the thread is named after me, so there goes another one of your premises.
    #55 Italian Seafood, Dec 23, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2008
  16. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Haha, good stuff. Glad you brought back the Ellis avatar, too.
  17. JohnnyJohnson

    JohnnyJohnson Banned

    Mar 23, 2004
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    You are a good sport sir.
  18. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    And a "Chad Fan". :beer:
  19. ShadeTree#55

    ShadeTree#55 Active Member

    Dec 30, 2002
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    I never liked Favre even during his good days in GB. I was against it from the beginning. I think Brett Favre is a selfish ahole that thinks he is bigger them the game.

    I would never root for the Dolphins though, that is just silly.

    Oh and I still hate the Dolphins more then the Pats.
  20. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Actually he leads w/ playoff apps. Chad led us 3 times, only ken O'Brien has led us as much as 3 times but Ken didn't start in the '86 playoffs so Chad is the only Jets QB to start in 3 different postseasons.

    Don't waste your time w/ blocker.

    There wasn't really a competition, Chad was going to start. The Jets wanted Clemens to win but Chad was going to win the job.

    The D kept us i it early in the season. The 2 games our O went crazy scoring points were thanks to the D creating a million TOs. Maybe we lose that 2nd NE game but we probably win that 1st one so it cancels out and there's no way we lose to Oak, SF and Seattle w/ Chad.

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