Between the awful refs, the Broncos taking dives to stop out momentum, missed tackles, blown sacks, dropped passes, the inability to challenge a call when you are allowed to challenge it, horrible playcalling, bad weather, no fans. THE WORST TV COVERAGE of a sports game I have EVER seen. The worst commentators. Rich Gannon blatantly cheering for the Broncos saying things like "Well as we go into the 4th quarter, you have to hope that the Broncos defense holds up." The PBP guy is the worst ever, all he cares about is hangtime. Too many commercials. etc, etc. I think Hell will be having to watch this game over and over, for eternity. I feel the need to inflict physical harm on something, someone, but there is no one around. Ugh. That is all.
This is a lot like the Jets-Pats game in week 2. We were making mistake after mistake. The refs screwed us over with 2 horrible calls, including one that gave the broncos an easy touchdown that we never could overcome. The Broncos should get fined for their injury ploy, although they won't.
you said it man. 1. fumble that really wasn't. he covered it up for like 2 seconds before the bronco guy came in. dumb ref. 2. royal was out of bounds. somehow, they called that he was in bounds after the hit by elam. 3. punt was not downed at the 2. 4. cotchery made the catch on 3rd and 3. 5. 2 passes on 3rd and 1? agh 6. punt from 50 with 7 minutes remaining? there should be some penalty for broncos faking injuries when they're getting caught on 12 man on the field. there have been a lot of holds by the broncos. their o-line is the dirtiest in the league.
dont be a homer...1 - 4 is just incorrect....the only one i would say could be argued is the fourth...but the first three by rules of challenge were correct and IMO were the correct calls..
You can challenge down by contact on the Cotchery fumble It is done all of the time. It is physically impossible that when a player in on top of the football, on the ground, that a Bronco player can cause a fumble before making contact (thus, down by contact).
Plus, they threw in the towel and quit trying to score with 6 and some minutes left, that's an ETERNITY in football if coached and clock managed correctly.....
Please, Cotchery did not fumble. That ref job was worse than ed hocule's call against san diego...who was coincidentally playing against denver during that game
Our running game was completely shut down by one of the worst run d's in the league, this game overall has made me want to vomit, denvers first touchdown was rediculous, and i cant believe that ball popped out of cotcherys hands on the 4th dowm play. Our run d looks pathetic as well, the coaching staff was scared and timid, the dnver injuries oh man, i hate shit like that in soccer, but this is fucking horrible, no one will fear us after this, everyone will pass, pass, and pass some more on us and we will lose people im blaming for this game: Favre, Thomas Jones, the entire defense and maybe hodges a little for some weak punts in the beginning and of course our main offender, the coaching staff, way to go mangini can you look like your gonna fall and cry like a bitch anymore then you do when shit goes wrong. His eyes were starting to tear up that little bitch. highlight of the night: the steelers game kudos to denvers o line they were good
white boy running back running all over our defense looking like a generic madden created player. seriously you hit it on the head with this post. this game has been just a drag of boring, torturous, waste of 4 hours. stupid 4 pm games
I realize allot of things went wrong today... But i realize after the past 2 victories it had slipped my mind just how awful of a d coordinator Bob Sutton is.. we can not win a game unless we have time of possession and a lead.. he just awful. The Jets d was embarrassing to watch. he cant call a game properly...we need teams to beat themselves with drooped pass, penalties etc... for our d to look respectable..
Guys, we played like shit. It happens. The Pats lost as well so we're in the same good position as we were last week. Did you really thinking we were going to win our remaining games? We're not the best team in the AFC, we all knew it, pumped as we were by our last two victories. We also knew that our pass defense was crap. This defeat could be a blessing in disguise as the Raiders' one was. Next stop is San Francisco, and the players now know there's no room for overcomplacency. We played like sh!t but we're still there.
, I saw the stats and it didnt seem like it, i'd rather not have those big runs and replace them with consistant runs of 4 to 5 yards and run downfield all day rather then having a breakaway here and their when it means nothing in the end, Lynch had 157 yrds or something like that and the bills scored 3 points all game, i'd rather be consistant then have some lucky break aways here and there.
MORON. That is the point of the CHALLENGE. That is why you can CHALLENGE it to see if he had possession. The issue is the refs said we couldnt CHALLENGE it to get the call right. WE ARE ALLOWED TO CHALLENGE IT. You are an idiot who just wants Mangini out so you are rooting against the Jets and saying the calls were fine. You are a disgrace of a fan.