I have utterly detested them ever since they beat the Jets in the 1998 AFC Championship game. The 98 season was just magical for me. (As I know it was for all of you) I believed in Parcells. I believed in Keyshawn and Chrebet. I believed in Vinny and the Jets. I was at the home divisional playoff game against Jacksonville and it is probably still my best memory as a Jets' fan. Then came the AFC Championship game in Denver, against the dominant Broncos. I was caurtiously optimistic about our chances going into that game. I thought our ball control offense could really nuetralize their dominant running game. I thought our Run D was solid enough to contain Davis and I had always thought Elway was overrated and could be had in big games. When we were up 3-0 at the half, despite all the early turnovers and missed opportunities to put several more scoring drives together, I felt really confident because it was obvious we were thoroughly outplaying them in all three facets of the game. Also, CBS had Joe Namath on at halftime and I thought it was a great omen. Then the third quarter started and we stopped them 3 and out and blocked a punt that set us up at their 1 yard line. Curtis punched it in from a yard out, and at 10-0, I really thought we were going to the superbowl (and actually, at that moment I thought we were winning the superbowl because there was no way that we were losing to Atlanta in my mind) . . . we all remember what happened after that. And ever since that game I have had this irrational hate for the Broncos. I just can't stand them. I always root against them. Everytime we have played them since that game, I have wanted the win in the worst way. We have both beaten and lost to them since that game and I have responded by being either overly joyful or ridiculously depressed, respectively. So, in closing, I will be really happy when we beat the shit out of them this coming Sunday. I can't wait. :beer:
Favrenstein's list of hated teams 1.New England 2.Denver 3.Miami 4.Buffalo 5.San Francisco I understand exactly how you feel....still sore after the 98 AFC title game too. In fact, 2 guys i work with are die-hard Broncos fans...one of them lives down the street from me too. So i get to hear the Broncos bullshit on a regular basis. I hate that team with a passion. Although...this week...they're pretty quiet :wink:
We went into halftime with a 10-0 lead - should have been 13-0 if not for another Hall missed 42 yard FG. Then in the second half they scored 23 unanswered points. Was still very painful though. Too bad we didn't win because I really think we would have won the SB that year. P.S. For me, it will always be the Pats to hate the most.
1) It was actually 3-0 at halftime. We didn't block the punt and get the 1 yd TD from curtis Martin until the third quarter. 2) Don't get me wrong. The two teams I hate the most are the Dolphins and the Pats. In that order. (Dolphins are still number 1 for me. The first Jet game I ever watched was the Marino fake spike game - I think you understand) But the Broncos, Cowboys (I also have an irrational hate for the cowboys) aren't too far behind), and Ravens aren't too far behind. But yeah, the fins and Pats are definately 1 and 2 on my list.
I think we all (Jets & Favre) fans can come together in our hatred for the Broncos. I've still never forgiven them for beating the Packers in the SuperBowl. I hope we crush the ever-loving snot out of them. Shanahan is a weasel, almost as bad a Bellicheck. Actually, I may dislike him even more...
OK, now I have to Google. It turns out - you are right!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and highly recommended for suffering is the AFC mud bowl in Miami and AJ Duehe (sp?) 98 AFC Championship
They also stole our ticket to Super Bowl XXI (through Cleveland) but if we could've beaten the Browns we would've steamrolled Denver. The Dolphins are ahead of the Pats in term of hate. Now what Belichicken did was awful, but our franchise did do reasonably well while NE built their false dynasty. After the fake spike, the Jets went into a 2 1/2 year 4-33 skid. That was the ultimate kick in the teeth.
Your hate is misdirected. It should be aimed at the Jets and their 6 turnovers in that game. Start with Martin and end with Testaverde. They were pathetic.
There is nothing irrational about hating the Broncos. For me, the list of the most hated teams goes: 1. Patriots 2. Bills 3. Dolphins 4. Raiders 5. Ravens 6. Broncos
I hated that game but used to root for the Broncos in the playoffs back in the 70s when the Jets were never close, mostly because I hated Oakland and Pittsburgh. Plus I hated Dallas and wanted Denver to win that Super Bowl--I rooted for them to beat the Giants in 1986-87, rooted for them to beat Green Bay in 1997-98 because I was tired of the NFC always winning.
Yup. I hate them too. That's why Ol' John "Horse Teeth" Elway will always be The Nancy Kerrigan of QBs in my mind.
You obviously don't remember the game that well. Testervarde wasn't terrible. He was fantastic in that game. If you look at the the stat line of that game, yes, you will see that he is credited with 2 interceptions. However, if you watched the game, you know that both of them were off his receivers hands and neither of them were his fault (Alex Van Dyke had a pass go off his hands that got picked in the fourth quarter that just about sealed the game). Testevarde was awesome in that game - he threw for over 350 yards and moved the ball up and down the field only to see his teammates fumble four times. (The Martin and Byars fumbles were particularly devastating)
That's probably because he played one of the best games he EVER played for the Jets in that game. Don is way off base.