Ok, I've gotta go to San Diego in the morning and won't be back until Monday, so I need some help with a few things: 1. Do they really show 1:00 games at 10:00AM??? (if so, I'm glad I don't drink anymore...I'd never be awake for it). 2. Anyone know any good Sports Bars in the downtown area? I'm staying at the Manchester Grand Hyatt, near the water, if you know the area. (Slimjasi????) 3. Now my REAL problem. I'm very superstitious. When the recent 4 game winning streak started, I had stromboli and wings as game snacks. So I've been eating the same exact thing every week, b/c they keep winning. I know if I don't eat stromboli and wings this week and they lose, it's MY FAULT. So, in the name of our winning streak and all things Holy...Do they even HAVE stromboli in San Diego???? and if so, where can I get some...preferably at a sports bar (see #2 above) Our winning streak is riding on this...can someone help a brother (in green) out?
:lol: It's kind of what other places call "rolls". basically it's pepperoni, sausage, and Mozzerella cheese wrapped up in Pizza dough and baked. It's about a foot long and comes with marinara sauce for dippin...pretty yummy.
I will actually be traveling back east this weekend for thanksgiving but I certainly do know of a few good sports bars. I'm not sure how familiar you are with San Diego, however, there are a few really good sports bars near Qualcomm stadium on Camino Del Rio North and South. There is "Bully's east" on Camino Del Rio South. There is also Seau's on Camino Del Rion North (Jr seau's restaurant - it's pricey but a really cool place with awesoe food and TVs). There is another one also on Camino Del Rio that I can't remember the name of because I never go there. Now, there are a bunch of sports bars all throughout the gaslamp area. (The "gaslamp quarter" is basically a 16 block radius of clubs, bars, restaurants, and museums. It's the most popular hang out and/or touristy area in downtown San Diego. It's a really popular area for college kids and young adults in general. Some of the really popular ones are "Nicky Rottens" (on 5th avenue - they have awesome burgers) and "Xavier's bar and grill" (something like that - i've never been there but heard a lot about it. It's also on 5th Avenue). I definately suggest "Nicky Rottens" if you have someone to go with, there are often plenty of Jet fans there watching the games. (Btw, the Gaslamp quarter is pretty close to where you are staying.) There are also some sports bars in the Mission Valley shopping area. Just ask around if you happen to be in this area. I usually just stream the games online if I am going to be alone. If you are going to be with friends, definately check out some of the sports bars in eihter gaslamp or near qualcomm.
haha, and yes, 1:00 Am events on the east coast are, BY DEFINITION, 10:00 Am events on the West Coast. LOL
Aaaaahhh, I KNEW you would be the one who could hook me up slimjasi! Sounds like I will have no trouble finding someplace to watch the game. I've never been to SD, but did a little research, so I knew the Gaslamp was popular and close by. I'm just gonna have to do some more "research" when I get there to find out who serves something remoely close to "stromboli", even if they don't call it that. I'm feelin much better about our chances this week now! Thanks Slim!
hahaha. no problem, anytime. By the way, I know what a Stromboli is (I was born in Manhattan and grew up in Northern New Jersey). You can definately get that in plenty of Italian/Pizza joints in the Gaslamp area. The Gaslamp has tons of East Coast style Pizza places. There is also an entire neighborhood in San Diego (Also right by where you are staying) called "Little Italy". There are undoubtedly dozens of places where you could find a stromboli. In terms of what sports bar woud have it, I'm not sure off the top of my head but my guess is that you won't have that much of a problem finding one.
Well, yeah, shaped like a loaf of Italian bread. Like a calzone w/o the ricotta cheese, just mozzerella and whatever kinds of meats you want basically.
If your that superstitiuous, you should buy a stromboli before hand, wrap it up, and take it to the Sports Bar with you.
All-righty then. Sounds like it's time to start packing. California here I come! J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS!!! Thanks again!
My brother lives there said to go to either Joltin Joes, Trophy's, or Nicky Rottens. Also, as posted lots of restaraunts in Little Italy close by.
Well lucky for you, the Jets game will be on CBS in the San Diego Market as of now. So if you really wanted to, you can watch the Jets from the Hyatt (less fun however)
Thanks to you and your brother for the info. I'm feelin much better now. About a half hour ago I went to the NJ Lottery page to check tonight's pick3. I hit it straight and boxed for $223.00! Now I can buy even more stromboli and wings!!! Lot's of good omens here guys...we're gonna kick some TITANIC ASS!!! Go JETS!