Blackest Day In American History

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by Long Time Jet Fan, Nov 5, 2008.

  1. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Obama funded foreign thug who promised Islamic state
    Agreement with Muslims pledged to protect terrorists, throttle Christians, impose Shariah

    Posted: October 19, 2008
    8:45 pm Eastern

    By Jerome R. Corsi
    ? 2008 WorldNetDaily

    Sen. Barack Obama with Raila Odinga

    NEW YORK ? A controversial Kenyan leader for whom Sen. Barack Obama not only campaigned but raised almost $1 million during the run-up to that nation's 2007 presidential election, concluded a written agreement with Muslim leaders stipulating that if they delivered him the Muslim vote, he would in turn, once elected, change the constitution to declare Islamic law as the ruling authority in Muslim-dominated regions, protect terrorists and muzzle Christian evangelism.

    WND previously documented that Obama supported and campaigned for Kenya opposition leader Raila Odinga during a 2006 senatorial "fact-finding" trip to Kenya and subsequently reported on documents revealing Obama's part in raising almost $1 million for Odinga.

    According to a BBC report, Odinga says Obama's father was his maternal uncle. Barack Obama Sr., a Kenyan, married the Democratic presidential candidates' American mother while both were attending the University of Hawaii.

    Odinga took over the office of prime minister in Kenya after his campaign called for protests of an election he lost by more than 200,000 votes to incumbent Mwai Kibaki. The resulting violence by marauding Muslim mobs left 1,000 people dead, hundreds of thousands displaced from their homes and 800 Christian churches damaged or destroyed. No Islamic mosques were damaged, however.

    Among the worst attacks occurred when several dozen women and children sought refuge in a Christian church which mobs burned down on top of them.

    WND has reported that the violence appears to have been part of Odinga's campaign strategy. Former members of Odinga's Orange Democratic Movement party, or ODM, claim Obama did not call on Odinga to drop his voter-fraud campaign or withdraw from his pursuit of the presidency even after he lost and the violence erupted.

    (Story continues below)

    WND has confirmed that at one point, then-United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan and U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice actually pressured Kenyan Vice President Kolonzo to step down from his position to bring the Odinga-connected Luo-mob protest violence to an end by appointing Odinga vice president so he could assume the nation's second highest political office.

    When Kolonzo refused to step down, Annan and Rice proposed the Odinga-inspired plan of appointing him as prime minister, effectively allowing Odinga to share the head-of-state position with Kibaki, a solution that was adopted.

    Now WND has obtained a copy of Odinga's agreement with Sheik Abdullahi Abdi, the chairman of the National Muslim Leaders Forum, that outlined plans, among other things, for wide-ranging attacks on Christians.

    In the August 2007 document, Odinga promised that within six months of becoming president he would "rewrite the Constitution of Kenya to recognize Shariah as the only true law sanctioned by the Holy Quran for Muslim declared religions."

    While in Kenya earlier this month, WND interviewed several Christians who had been officials in Odinga's ODM, but who had left the party and abandoned Odinga after learning of his agreement with Muslims. Their names cannot be disclosed here as they fear for their lives.

    Those sources, considered highly credible, told WND there are several versions of the agreement that have been floated around on the Internet, but that the document reproduced by WND is authentic. In fact, they went through the document line by line with WND to confirm its legitimacy.

    A news video (below) of a press conference held during the Kenyan election campaign and broadcast in Kenya by Nairobi-based NTV shows Sheik Abdullah Abdi, chairman of National Muslim Leaders Forum, discussing the agreement.

    Although Odinga later produced a "short version" that sanitized the agreement, highly credible sources close to Odinga confirmed for WND that the long version reproduced by WND is authentic, and that the short version was produced just to defuse the controversy.

    Indeed, one of the main reasons WND went to Kenya was to meet ex-ODM officials who would validate the original memorandum of understanding as authentic.

    In the document signed by Odinga and the chairman of the National Muslims Leaders Forum, the Muslims promised to "enable and assist ODM and The Candidate win the National Elections and the Presidency of the Republic of Kenya."

    The Muslims agreed to "issue a joint statement declaring that all Muslims should support and vote for Raila Amollo Odinga and ODM" and "engage in active campaigns for Raila Amollo Odinga and ODM through the Republic and impress upon Muslims, publicly and emphatically, the requirement to vote for ODM and Raila Amollo Odinga."

    In return, Odinga agreed to give "the Council of Islamic leaders ? an oversight role to monitor activities of ALL (emphasis in original) other religions and any applications for religious activities and institutions will require their approval. They shall have the right to deny approval to cults and other evil practices."

    The plan apparently was to turn regions of Kenya, which has long been a Christian-majority nation, into Islamic states.

    Get the book that started it all ? Jerome Corsi's "The Obama Nation," personally autographed ? for only $4.95, available today, but only from WND!

    In addition to promising to re-write the Kenyan constitution and enshrine Islamic Shariah law, Odinga promised to immediately "dismiss the Commissioner of Police who has allowed himself to be used by heathens and Zionists to oppress the Kenya Muslim community."

    Further, Muslims suspected of terrorism, even international terrorism, were to be provided new protections, with Odinga's promise to: "Disband the imperialist Anti-Terror Police Unit (ATPU) that was set up for the sole purpose of terrorizing, harassing, intimidating and deporting innocent Kenyan Muslims to Guantanamo Bay."

    Further, Odinga agreed, "No Muslim residing in Kenya whether a citizen, visitor or relative of any of the above shall be subjected to any process involving the laws of a foreign country and in particular any Muslim arrested for or suspected of Terrorism or any other International crime shall only be tried within the boarders (sic) of Kenya. ?"

    The power and influence of Islam was to be further extended with Odinga's promise to "within 1 year facilitate the establishment of a Shariah court in every Kenya divisional headquarters" and to "popularize Islam, the only true religion ? by ordering every primary school in Kenya in the regions to conduct daily Madrassa class."

    Strict Islamic Shariah law was to be enforced with immediate crackdowns on alcohol, pork and other "haram" products and practices, including a ban "on women's public dressing styles that are considered immoral and offensive to the Muslim faith in the Muslim regions of the Coastal and Northeastern regions."

    And ominously, Christianity was to be subjected to a formal crackdown with Odinga's promise to "impose a total ban on open-air gospel crusades by worshippers of the cross in the Coastal and North Eastern regions" and his plan to "outlaw gospel programs (preaching, purported faith healing, etc.) on KBC, the National Broadcaster."
  2. akibud

    akibud Active Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    corsi could only sell this story on talk radio because the media already figured he was a kook! hannity ate up the story though
  3. fenwyr

    fenwyr Active Member

    Jan 3, 2003
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    Corsi is a conservative activist trying to sell books. His writings are not works of non-fiction. There's a reason why this story never grew legs, and it's because there was no story. It was just another Rovian spin to paint Obama as a closet Muslim. And it failed miserably.
  4. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Right. So now that Obama is president,all Rightwing news is wrong,and everything from the left is credable. The truth is,you can't tell me this if this is fact or not anymore than i can tell you. That leaves it,just like everything else 50/50.
    I am 100% anti Bush,everyone here knows it. But the fact remains that Obama slipped a pill in the drink of voters and played their vulnerability after a failed republican administration. Bush was a horrible president,and IMO a horrible human being. But I'll tell you what,this next administration has got me and a lot of other Americans scared. And as soon as the college protest of the 60s and 70s mentality wears off,others will be too.
  5. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    You can google the topic and find it from dozens of other writers too if you don't care for him.
  6. Penning10toColes

    Penning10toColes Active Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    Normally you would have a point, but Corsi is truly a scumbag. I prefer to not even acknowledge anything he says.
  7. Canadian

    Canadian New Member

    Mar 4, 2007
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    To the original poster, the only problem is that I am in favor of all eight "problems" you listed.
    #187 Canadian, Nov 6, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2008
  8. akibud

    akibud Active Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    corsi came up with this story before obama became president, remember the october surprise when he ws deported from kenya ?? only hannity put him on tv with it. Because he thought it would be the deal breaker, not even maccain would touch this guy during the campaign, why was that? talk radio was dripping with this and the fake birth certificate story. You don't hear anything more about that this week, why? because it was false and just ridiculous!! and they were just trying to win an election..
  9. fenwyr

    fenwyr Active Member

    Jan 3, 2003
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    I googled the topic when this first came up in this thread. Did you bother reading what actual journalists wrote? Corsi's piece is full of embellishments, conjecture, and out right lies.
  10. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    What makes it all lies? Because some other journalist that you prefer says it is? I know nothing about Crosi,but he isn't the only one who is reporting things like this. I hate Fox news,but i find it funny that they were absolutely smashed for 8 years,now as long as it's Pro Obama,it "credable" journalism.
  11. fenwyr

    fenwyr Active Member

    Jan 3, 2003
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    That's the problem. Corsi is NOT a journalist. He wrote an entire book slamming Obama. He came out with this to get attention for his book. He went to Kenya to get attention for his book.

    Obama visited his father's homeland. He visited with someone who knew his father. He did not endorse the guy. There was no agenda. He was not there to make money for the guys campaign.
  12. hiker

    hiker Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2005
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    Here's one for you, LTJF


    Yesterday was beautiful
    I watched the sun rise
    On a desolate America
    Gone are the "Spacious skies"

    I gave government control
    And now they dominate
    They own our medicare
    And our income rate

    I made gas prices skyrocket
    And citizens live in fear
    We're addicted to foreign oil
    Because we won't drill here

    I raised taxes on companies
    So a layoff was forced
    Now 1000's are unemployed
    And their work is outsourced

    Many don't even try
    I've made a land of slobs
    Because now welfare pays better
    Than American jobs

    I destroyed American values
    What our forefathers believed in
    Now the government tells us
    What is and isn't sin

    I enabled gun control
    In every American State
    This makes every home a target
    And no one can sleep safe

    Now the criminals get guns
    Even though their victims couldn't
    I destroyed the constitution
    Though I promised that I wouldn't

    We rehabilitate murderers
    And then set them free
    Until they kill again
    See I banned death penalty

    I let foreign families starve
    And the innocent bleed
    I don't send our army help
    Or weapons that they need

    Soldiers sacrificed for nothing
    Since I brought the rest back
    While terrorist rebuild
    And prepare another attack

    Today I killed a baby
    4,000 to be exact
    This isn't a statistic
    It's just a gruesome fact

    No I didn't hold the knife
    Or literally harm one soul
    But I brought down America
    This Nation as a whole

    I did my part this year
    So I can proudly tip my hat
    I helped destroy my Country
    I voted Democrat

    ? Shannon Richards 2008
  13. BadgerOnLSD

    BadgerOnLSD Banned

    Sep 6, 2004
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  14. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    [​IMG]Pretty soon we'll see these free at starbucks with a large Latte.
  15. wexy

    wexy Member

    Dec 5, 2004
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    Hiker, you're sending LTJF love poems. I sense ' an on the down low' thing brewing here.
  16. VickBlows

    VickBlows Active Member

    Oct 17, 2004
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    Man – the anti Obama crowd is panicking way too early. I mean really guys – he hasn’t even taken office yet and even after he does…when is the last time you saw a brother keep a job for 4 years anyway?

    Personally – I can’t wait to see the presidential limousine on unique whips getting a set of 24” spinners bolted on and a set of 30” subs stuffed in the trunk.

    (Better end this with the [Sarcasm] brackets)
  17. hiker

    hiker Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2005
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    You call that a love poem? And anyway, I didn't write it, nor do I agree with all of it. But I thought he might enjoy reading it.
  18. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    We wouldn't know that though, would we? Not one single paper has investigated, or even asked, about the Odinga-Obama relationship. Not one. We do get bald denials. Makes the whole journalism thingy real easy if you just believe the guy and don't look into the anecdotal evidence to the contrary.
  19. Long Time Jet Fan

    Long Time Jet Fan New Member

    Sep 18, 2003
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    :rofl: I'm not gonna touch this with a ten-foot pole, but suffice it to say many a true thing is said in jest. :up:
  20. Cappy

    Cappy Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    In that case...

    I don't think I've ever seen so much ignorance concentrated in one place in my entire life. :rofl:


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