Captain, I see no logic in this post. There is no sensible way to conclude that those two ideas are mutually inclusive. Do you really think he's the only player to seek advice from a former player? Revis and Law is one example of a consultation with positive results, and even that can't be proven.
I bet it is the ever changing gameplan so its a new playbook every week for every team that is the problem, I bet if he was in the ravens defense or one that imposes their strength every week on the team he would be doing better, much in the mold of Suggs, I imagine as a rookie it is an easier transition with simplicity in their role
Im sorry LTJF, but i refuse to call a rookie a wasted pick only after 8 games in his 1st season. Im sorry he doesnt have a learning curve as great as Matt Ryan which only happens like once every 5-10 yrs. But him reaching out to a NFL legend deserves lots of kudos.
Yes, I absolutely think that if he was getting it he would not seek out the advice of LT, especially during the season. If he were starting and playing well he wouldn't have done it. If he had shown the progress the organization expected he would not have done it. I highly doubt he said, "wow, I'm doing great, but I can do better, so let's go see LT!"
Whats the point at looking at the motivations behind asking for advice? Maybe he just wants advice from the best player to ever play the position?
You sound like you're not sure. You have trouble buying that teams use a whole different playbook every week?
I worded it wrong. I meant if thats probably the case- then WolfTone is exactly right. Shitty sentence. I was agreeing.
I bet in college he was told, get the QB, by any means necessary, he might have been used as more of a freelancer, the kid is intellegence but his college days and NFL days are apples to oranges. I really want him to come around, hearing him speaks and the position he plays he could be one of my favourite players. I just hope he can get it together in Green
in terms of his intelligence from interviews that what I thought to. He probably is the late bloomer type due to the lack of "student of the game" label on him - but the sad part is is that this board will never forgive him for blooming late. Here's to 2010
I can't believe people are still making excuses for this bum. If he was worthy of a number 6 pick he would be producing. He wasn't and he isn't. He is as big a bust as ever made in the Jets history. Period.
Bryan Thomas took a while to get his shit together too. We all use to say pretty much the same things that are beieng said about Vern. Hopefully by doing this we can reep rewards sooner than we did with Thomas.
Quite true. Thomas had one foot out the door with a lot of us. He is certainly playing at the caliber of his draft pick which I believe was 22 or 23 - he is clearly contributing.
I'm one of the board who thinks Gholston will eventually turn out fine. He's too athletic not to do well. But right now he's got two strong players in front of him. And I think an argument can be made that the rebirth of Bryan Thomas (4.5 sacks so far this season) might be due in part to Gholston. Fear is a powerful motivator and the team drafted an athletic young guy who plays his position. I'd speculate that contributed somewhat to Bryan's strong start to the season.
It's a positive sign that he cares enough to go beyond the coaching staff and reach out to a guy like LT. Also that he has some knowledge and appreciation for the history of the game, that's a plus. Better than just riding it out and collecting a paycheck.